Saturday, December 7, 2019

Heroin - The Most Deadly Opioid and Its Effect on Human Health

Though heroin is considered the deadliest opioid, charging of this drug is increasing worldwide. It is completely banned, and if a person is caught dealing with this drug, he/she can be sentenced to prison. Taking heroin can have a severe impact on human health. It is not something you can try once under peer pressure and forget about it. The addiction is quick and high, and it is nearly impossible to avoid the addiction without attending drug rehab London like Rehab Healthcare.

If someone closer to you has fallen into the trap of heroin, it is high time to take him/her to Rehab Healthcare, a reputable Drug Rehab Clinic in London; else, it might be too late. Heroin can affect every part of the body severely, and the person will have life-threatening syndromes. Thus, this rehabilitation centre provides detailed information about this dangerous drug and its impact on human health.

What is Heroin?

Heroin is an opioid coming from a flower, opium poppy. It mainly grows in countries like Mexico, South America, and Asia. If you know someone taking brown sugar, be sure that the person is charging opium as it looks like brown powder or white powder or black tar. The other names of this drug are Smack, Brown Sugar, Horse, Junk, etc.

Why Many People abuse Heroin above all Drugs?

This drug gets into your brain quickly and makes you addicted within very less time. According to the experts, it only takes one or two times to get addicted to heroin completely. Usually, the users prefer to inject it through veins, but some people snort or smoke it. Taking injections is the deadliest way of using this drug, as there are chances of an overdose, which can be fatal. Moreover, dirty needles can affect you. To get rid of this addiction, you can visit Rehab Healthcare, where you will get the best rehabilitation procedures to get back in normal life.

What is the Effect of Heroin on Human Heart?

From the discussion about heroin, it is clear that it has serious impacts on human health. The threat of heroin is that continuous usage of this drug can have a long-time impact on every human organ, including the heart. If someone continues charging heroin, it can have a lethal effect on the cardiovascular system. Heroin is an unregulated street drug. It is not dissolved into the system of the user. As a result, the user can suffer from clogged blood vessels that connect your liver, brain, kidneys, and heart. Suffering from clogged blood vessels can result in permanent organ damage.
An effect of heroin injection on the heart is known as Endocarditis, which is an infectious condition of the heart where the inner linings and the heart valves are infected. In the present time, endocarditis has become quite common among teenagers, and the prevalent reason behind this is the increasing several heroin addictions. Thus, if you find anyone near you suffering from heroin addiction, consulting Drug and Alcohol rehab clinics in London can be the best thing you can do for that person. Consult Rehab Healthcare to get the most advanced atmosphere of rehabilitation that will help the sufferer to get back again in the usual life.
The serious matter about this disease is that the symptoms are not clear at the beginning, and often, those are considered as the simple symptoms of any other inflammation. Therefore, many people are left undiagnosed for a period. However, here are the symptoms of Endocarditis:
  • Swollen abdomen, feet or legs
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Pale skin
  • Joint pain
  • Red spots near fingernails
  • Nausea
  • Heart murmur
  • Excessive sweating at night
  • Shortness of breath
  • Low appetite
If you find these symptoms in someone close to you, and you know he/she is taking heroin, it is high time to contact Rehab Healthcare, a drug rehab clinic in London. Try not to go for any DIY rehabilitation methods as that can make the situation worse.

Other Complications of Heroin

Apart from Endocarditis, several other complications can happen due to heroin addiction. Here are certainly other types of health issues that people suffer from their addiction.
  • Skin infections like cellulitis and abscesses
  • Lung infections like tuberculosis and pneumonia
  • The potential risk of having hepatitis B and C
  • Collapsed veins
  • Miscarriage

Heroin addiction can be treated. The top-rated rehabilitation centre Rehab Healthcare, provides the best services to make you leave addiction and never get back to it. Moreover, be very careful about the person who is suffering from addiction. Today, teenagers suffer from lots of social pressure, which often breaks them from inside. As a responsible guardian, be on their side and give them the strength to face challenges in life and succeed.

Cocaine - The Peril That Can Cause Huge Problems to Your Health

Addiction to anything can have adverse impacts on your life, and when it is cocaine, you have to be very careful about the effects of this abusive drug. Cocaine is a highly recreational drug that can create a sense of euphoria in the users, and that can affect the body instantly. As the drug creates a sense of immense happiness and invincibility in the user, it is easy to fall for the addiction of it, which comes with the baggage of short-term as well as long-term effects.

If someone is already addicted to cocaine, and it is difficult to fight the addiction, the best thing will be to consult alcohol rehab London, UK, like Rehab Healthcare where the patients are treated to get rid of this addiction and get back to the regular stream of life.

Cocaine can make you high instantly, but it lasts for a very short time. Hence, to increase the high, the users charge more doses often, which can have fatal effect on your brain and body. Regular consumption of cocaine can cause several physical issues, like bleeding from nose, hallucination, lung damage, and even death.

Various Effects of Cocaine on Your Body

  • The Effects of Cocaine Is High on Your Brain: Consuming Cocaine is possible through snorting, smoking, or injecting. Whatever process you follow, it travels to your brain instantly through your bloodstream. As soon as it enters into your brain, you feel high, but that is short-lived, like for 5 minutes. According to experts, snorting cocaine can give the user high pleasure for 30 minutes. Hence, many people prefer to breathe it.
  • Cocaine Plays with the Hormones of Your Body: The brain cells are responsible for releasing happy hormones, like dopamine and serotonin. The balance of these hormones to your body plays a vital role in making you experience happiness, desire, reward, motivation, etc. There are receptors of these hormones that receive the signals after the release of these hormones from the brain cells. Cocaine blocks the receptors and deactivates those to receive the signals, and as a result, you can feel the mixture of all hormones, “the high.”
    Regular consumption of cocaine can disturb the balance of these hormones in your body and affects the brain’s activity. If someone close to you is suffering from cocaine addiction, you should not be late in consulting the expert help from drug and alcohol rehab clinics UK.
  • Cocaine can make You Feel Paranoid and Irritated: As per studies, the consumption of cocaine is highly connected to psychosis, where the addicted person loses his connection with reality and lives in a make-believe world. As a result, you can suffer from irritation, agitation, anxiety, highly stressed, hallucinations, and finally, paranoia.
    If a person is already suffering from these serious issues, cocaine can make the situation worse, and without consulting a rehabilitation center you don’t have an option in that case. Consulting Rehab Healthcare will be the best decision where they treat such patients with the utmost care, and the success rate is quite high.

What Are the Other Effects of Cocaine on Your Body?

Apart from the effect on your brain, cocaine can also damage the other parts of your body. If you continue using it regularly, it will have a lethal impact on your health.
  • The Blood Vessels can be Stimulated: Cocaine can bring your body to fight or flight mode. It does so by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system. Besides that, your blood vessels can be tightened, which affects the regular blood flow in a different part of your body.
  • You will not Feel Hungry: Besides the impact of cocaine on your brain, there are lots of other side effects of this deadly drug on your body. Regular consumption of cocaine can lower your appetite, and you will feel less hungry. If this situation sustains regularly, you will suffer from malnourishment and lose weight on a serious note.
  • Cocaine can Damage Lungs: Apart from snorting cocaine, the users can also smoke it or inject it. Smoking cocaine continuously can cause injury to the lungs, which is known as “Crack Lung.” If you have already asthma, then the situation can get worse if you consume cocaine regularly. Besides that, you may also suffer from pneumonia, interstitial lung disease, bronchiolitis, emphysema, pulmonary hypertension, tumors, and infections.

Besides, cocaine can cause headaches, heart disease, mood changes, sexual problems, loss of smell, swallowing trouble, and much more. If you know someone who is suffering from cocaine addiction, provide alcohol and drug rehab in London can be a great help to him or her. Rehab Hrealthcare can be the best place where you can take that person to help him fighting his condition and get back to the usual track of life.

How Can Alcoholism Bring the Threat of Cancer in Your Life?

The habit of alcoholism often starts with fun but turns into something fatal. In the beginning, it may seem that you only have it occasionally, but soon it turns into a regular dose, and then you fall for it. Once you start drinking alcohol more than the limit, you will fall into chronic alcohol abuse. Many of us don’t develop the severity of alcohol abuse knowingly. Even, you don’t get it when you are consuming excessive alcohol and hailing the risk of cancer upon your life.

If you are already suffering from alcohol abuse and you know someone in your circle with such serious problems, it is time to consult the best drug rehab clinics London, UK, and for that Rehab Healthcare is the best answer for your searching.

What Is the Limitation of Drinking Alcohol?

According to experts, drinking alcohol can never do anything good for your health. If you are already an alcoholic, you should know the limit to avoid falling for chronic alcohol abuse. Alcohol should always be consumed in moderation so that it doesn’t have any adverse impact on your health.
Women can have one drink while it is two drinks for men to stay within the limit. Heavy alcohol drinking means 4 drink per day or 8 drinks per week for women while five drinks per day or 15 drinks per week for men. One has to be very cautious while you are on the verge of heavy drinking as it can take you to binge drinking, which means having 4 and 5 drinks for women and men, respectively, in one sitting. If it becomes a regular habit, you are suffering from chronic alcohol abuse, and you need the proper care of the best UK addiction treatment centers like Rehab Healthcare.

Does Drinking Alcohol Increase the Risk of Cancer?

Among lots of other adversities of alcohol, cancer is one of the major issues. According to the researches, it has been proved that consuming alcohol on a regular basis, from moderate to heavy limit, can cause certain types of cancer. Read on to know more-
  • Esophageal Cancer: No matter you drink it at a moderate rate or heavy rate, the connection between alcohol consumption and esophageal cancer is quite strong. This type of cancer is known as Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. The risk of having this cancer increases 5 times if you consume alcohol. Besides, if someone lacks the enzyme that metabolizes alcohol, the risk of having esophageal cancer increases a lot.
  • Head and Neck Cancer: Consuming alcohol, at any rate, can increase the risk of head and neck cancers. If someone is a moderate drinker, he can also at the 1.3 times higher risk of having pharynx and larynx cancer than the non-drinker. The heavy drinkers are at 5 times more risk than them. The risk even more increases if someone uses tobacco along with alcohol consumption.
  • Breast Cancer: The risk of breast cancer is also increased if someone is an alcoholic. As per studies, the risk rises 1.04 times in a moderate drinker than the non-drinker while the heavy drinkers are at higher risk of having breast cancer.
  • Liver Cancer: There are two types of cancers that are related to alcohol consumption, like intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma. The risk of liver cancer increases 2 folds in the alcoholics than normal people.
Remember one thing that consuming any kind of alcohol can increase the threat of cancer in your life, whether it is wine (red or white), cocktails, whiskey, beer, rum, or anything, therefore, if you are told that some alcohol is good for your health that is not true at all. Whatever you drink, the increasing limit can escalate the risk of these cancers. Consulting Rehab Healthcare at the right time can keep you away from this threat and will help you to get back on the right track of your life.

Can Quitting Alcohol Reduce the Risk of Cancer?

You will not get the result overnight. If you think, you can get rid of cancer as soon as you stop having it, that won’t happen. However, there are studies say that the risk of cancer can return at the same point for the heavy-drinkers after 16 years if they stop now. Stop alcohol consumption, and you can stay away from the detrimental effect of this drink.

So, if you know someone who is already suffering from alcohol abuse, you can take him or her to any drug detox London UK Clinics like Rehab Healthcare, where they not only get help to quit the addiction of alcohol but also stay away from the risk of deadly diseases, like cancer.