Tuesday, December 22, 2020

LGBTQ Alcoholism – Why Is It Increasing And How It Can Be Treated?


Major developments in society across the globe have provided awareness about the LGBTQ community among the people. Despite this, the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer) community faces social stigma. Even a few cases have shown them facing threats and other major challenges. This has led the way to alcoholism and sometimes binge drinking among this community. However, the availability of versatile treatment options and awareness among LGBTQ helps reduce this problem manifold.

LGBTQ and Alcoholism: What’s the Relation?

UK has an increased number of LGBTQ population and is increasing more since the year 2018.

What’s more shocking is that the people in the UK and Europe have reported increased incidents of violence against them. The number has increased to almost 62%, making same-sex couples not hold hands in public. Even 1 out of 4 adults stated that they do not want their child to be identified as LGBTQ.

All these factors lead to the severe problem of alcoholism among the LGBTQ nationals. Alcoholism means heavy drinking or intake of alcohol to an extent where you are dependent on it. You think about having it every time that even means alcohol abuse. It becomes the most important thing in the life of people.

Along with alcoholism, some have turned to substance abuse, as keeping a secret and living a double life has taken a toll on their mental health. Almost 25% of LGBTQ in the UK has been stated to possess severe drinking problems or alcoholism compared to 12% of the general population.

However, the provision of Rehab Healthcare by RehabHC and the tailor-made treatment according to the severity of alcoholism will help the LGBTQ community to come out of this vicious circle quite early.

Other Grave Reasons to Opt for Alcoholism

Trying to live a double and secret life can be one of the reasons or non-acceptance by the parents, and society can be the other reason. But, there are many more reasons to opt for alcohol too. Let’s take a sneak peek into a few of them:

  • Hatred and attacks
  • Victimization and minority stress
  • Harassment at public and professional places
  • Sexual violence
  • Loss of family
  • Non-acceptance in the ‘faith-based support systems’
  • Mental and social stress
  • Humiliation

All these factors contribute largely to other risk factors or co-occurring disorders that eventually takes place among the LGBTQ community along with alcoholism. They move to alcohol as one of the coping methods.

Co-Occurring Disorders & Alcohol as Coping Method among LGBTQ

If we go down the history lane, the biggest Stonewall Riots led to the modern LGBTQ rights and laws. Still, many reforms and awareness need to be provided to make this world a happy place for everyone.

But, the present world is still hostile and only shows little acceptance towards these people. This made the LGBTQ community use alcohol as a coping method. It is prevalent in the social settings that made almost 90% of adolescents use it. In the name of binge drinking, they consume more than five drinks in a day to cope with the whole stress. Alcohol drinking is much more prevalent among the LGBTQ community and remains untreated too.

It not only stops here but along with alcoholism, the LGBTQs faces ‘co-occurring’ disorders too. These disorders relate to the problematic mental condition of the LGBTQ people. This has made a few members commit suicide, do self-harm, or opt for self-medication. A few common co-occurring disorders faced by the LGBTQ community are:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Anger
  • Loneliness
  • Hopelessness
  • Low self-esteem
  • Eating disorders
  • Guilt and minority stress and much more

It is even seen that older women consume more alcohol than younger women and even males in the LGBTQ community. However, this can come to an end if help is taken at the right time from the professional and best London Alcohol Rehab centre like RehabHC. The LGBTQ community can get the required help and support at the right time.

Treatment for LGBTQ Community

To provide complete healing to the LGBTQ community, it is necessary to devise specialized treatment plans that can help them accept themselves as a part of society. Many professional Rehab Clinics UK as RehabHC follows a unique treatment plan along with the alcohol detox for alcoholism problem. A complete therapist treatment is also provided to the people who have undergone co-occurring disorders and trauma. They can speak to licensed therapists and find a solution to their problems and medications to help them come out of this condition. These Rehab clinics chalk out a unique and personalized treatment plan for each patient to cater to their physical and emotional needs. So, people from LGBTQ can also find a ray of hope with these dedicated experts and rehab clinics in the UK.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

How Can Children Be A Great Help for Alcoholic Parents?

 Alcoholic parents have too much negative impact on the kids. They not only ruin themselves but also destroy the lives of their kids. It is difficult for the little kids to raise a voice against alcoholism, but if you are a teen and above, it is time to get back your parents on the normal track of life and make your and your parents’ life easy. Things are not so easy as it sounds. If you find any of your parent is having an uncontrollable urge for alcohol and behaving abnormally if they don’t get it, you should know that he/she is an addict. Instead of getting disappointed with them, you can be of great help. Taking professional help for alcohol addiction is a great solution for your parents. If you consult the best rehabs like RehabHC, you can overcome the tough period and become the rescuer in your parent’s life from the addiction.

A Step You Need to Take Now

The bottom line is you should do every necessary thing to improve your parent’s condition. But, if he/she becomes abusive or has any risk from them, you should take professional help physically or mentally. There are rehabilitation centers where you should send them for alcohol detox. You may feel guilty or low while your parents act so, but this is the best you can do for your parents.

Sometimes, alcoholic persons can’t stop consuming alcohol even though they are willing to. This happens because alcohol damages their brain cells and disturbs their ability to logically thinking. So, you can give a call to the professional rehab center and let them do the best for your parents. You can call RehabHC to arrange the best schedule for your parents.

Why Your Parent Can’t Stop Having Alcohol?

This is a tough question to crack. Finding out the reason is tough, but you can try. You must have talked to them on this matter several times or acted in a way that you hoped could make them stop having it, but nothing worked. The alcohol keeps on damaging their system and snatching the peace of your life. Now, you need to admit the harsh truth no matter how much you talk to your parents or make them understand the destruction it is doing to your family, you can’t keep them away from alcohol. It is an addiction, and they don’t have any control over their urge. As alcohol reacts with brain functioning, it is impossible to bring them out from it without any professional help.

How can you Help your Alcoholic Parents?

The most important and basic way to help your parents get over alcoholism is to educate yourself about it. Once you understand it, you can see life from their perspective and understand why they can’t leave alcohol. Thus, you can make effective communication with them. Now, you need to identify the signs of alcoholism in your parents.

  • The urge to drink more alcohol every day to achieve certain effects
  • Neglecting the responsibilities at home and work because of too much drinking
  • Losing interests in activities that your parents usually enjoyed
  • Feeling always fatigued and unwell
  • Having a social life where alcohol is involved and avoiding the get together where it won’t be a part
  • Having withdrawal symptoms while not having a drink, especially after waking up in the morning
  • Lying constantly to you and other members of the family about having alcohol

Once you recognize these signs in your parents, you will be sure that he/she is an alcohol addict. The severity of the symptoms will make you understand how urgently they need professional help. But you should not get nervous or worried. Alcohol addiction can be treated, and you will get back your parents at their best condition to live a happy life.

Is it Possible to Make Them Take Professional Help?

Initially, this cannot be easy. If you find your parent is trying hard to stop drinking alcohol, you can suggest them to have professional help. You can arrange meetings with the professionals and make them take the therapies. But, the situation is not so easy always. Some parents don’t believe that they are addicts and they need professional help. This doesn’t mean that they don’t care, but it is the addiction that talks on behalf of them.

Here you get some idea of how to help your alcoholic parent say goodbye to addiction. The journey won’t be easy for you. You may need to take help from other trusted elders who understand your problem and take you through the journey. Rehab healthcare centers like RehabHC are the best place to take your parents to have a thorough treatment to recover from addiction.

Dual Diagnosis – How to Diagnose Mental Health Disorder and Alcoholism


A dual diagnosis is the way of treatment where alcoholism is treated due to mental disorder and vice versa. To state more clearly, a depressed soul finds it easier to depend on alcohol as self-medication. They find it relaxing and love to be in that self-oblivion to forget their stress. While drinking too much alcohol takes a toll on the brain cells, a person gets into severe mental illness that requires professional help. Without proper treatment for both alcoholism and mental disorder, dual diagnosis is required. Therefore, you need to find the best rehab healthcare center, like RehabHC, to get the best treatment for both.

What is Dual Diagnosis?

First of all, you need to know that drinking problems and mental disorders may not get associated with each other for every case. However, there is evidence where both of these cases have adjoined their path later.

In a dual diagnosis, the symptoms of alcoholism get a boost from mental illness, and the opposite happens a lot. Therefore, if any of the condition is left untreated, it will get severe in the future. The best drug and alcohol rehab in London will help you to get over this by providing the best dual diagnosis and other following treatments. This method is considered the best method for treating alcoholism and mental disorder in a rehabilitation center. Varieties of programs are initiated in the treatment method where lots of therapies are applied to the patient to treat both the issues together, instead of targeting one at a time.

If you are willing to get out from the black hole and have a life full of light, this is high time to consult the professionals from RehabHC where you can find the best rehab treatment to get over your issues.

Types of Mental Disorders Connected to Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse can cause different types of mental illness, which can lead to alcoholism.

1. Depression

This is one of the most common mental disorders of human beings and often been ignored, which results in something serious like alcohol addiction. Depression can happen to anyone, irrespective of age, gender, and backgrounds, and it has symptoms like-

  • Losing interest in hobbies
  • Restlessness
  • Short-tempered
  • Loss of energy
  • Insomnia
  • Difficulty in concentrating

People suffering from depression often find quick relief from their stress through alcohol. But such self-medication in treating depression can have life-threatening outcomes if proper treatment is not started early.

2. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

This is another common type of mental disorder where the sufferer may have an uncontrollable obsession with something, leading to alcoholism. A person suffering from OCD may be obsessed with certain activities like washing hands repeatedly or properly fixing things. When they try to overcome this, it may cause anxiety in them. To get relief from that stress and anxiety, they succumb to alcohol, and very quickly, it turns into alcohol addiction.

3. Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder causes excessive mood swings that can give the patient a roller coaster ride. Their mood may fluctuate from too high to too low. Such conditions may cause serious mental and physical disorders. When a person is high, he can be abnormally upbeat, have tremendous energy, and feels too overconfident. At their low, they feel fatigued, completely stressed out, lose interest, and restless. Such conditions inevitably take the patients towards alcoholism as they find it the best rescue.

What are the Symptoms of Dual Diagnosis?

The symptoms of dual diagnosis depend on mental illness and how far it has taken the patient towards alcohol addiction. Knowing the symptoms will help you to identify your problems and seek medical help at the right time.

  • Isolating from the family and friends
  • Losing energy and motivation
  • Changes in appetite, sometimes too less or too much
  • Trouble in concentrating on any task
  • Increased anxiety, anger, and irritability
  • Neglecting professional and personal responsibilities

It is very important to figure out the symptoms of dual diagnosis at an early stage, else it can cause a severe effect on your mental and physical health, and there is a chance of lifelong misbalance. For the best treatment, you can consult RehabHC, one of the best London Alcohol and Drug rehab centers.

So, here you get the relation between alcohol and mental disorder, and dual diagnosis is the way to identify the root cause of your issues and treat both of them. If you are under the treatment of the best recovery centers, you will go through lots of therapies and medications. There are even aftercare programs to help you get over both the problems completely.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Opiate Withdrawal – Things You Need to Know While Going Through it


Suffering from addiction is painful, not only for the addicts but also for the people around them. It will disturb the normal balance of your life and make it a complete mess, which can be disastrous. Whether it is heroin, prescribed opioid drug, opium, or other opiates, your life will be destroyed if you don’t go through heroin/opium detox at the right time. If you have any addict in your family or friend circle, it is time to come forward and provide any help to bring the person back to the right track of life. And to do that, you need to consult the best UK addiction treatment center like Rehab Healthcare.

Now, detoxification is also not easy. An addict has to go through withdrawal symptoms at the beginning of the treatment, which is crucial. Any triggers can drag him back again to the addiction. Also, the patient requires medication as well as regular counselling, mental, and emotional support to overcome the withdrawal syndromes. That can be possible when people around him know well how the withdrawal condition affects the person.

What is Opiate Withdrawal? What Can Be the Symptoms?

Drugs like heroin, opium, or other opiates have a strong impact on your brain and body. Therefore, when you decide to go through detoxification, you have to be ready to face the painful impact of withdrawal. However, you must have the will power to go through this and defeat addiction now, right? Here are certain types of symptoms you may suffer from like-

  • Diarrhea, abdominal pain
  • Chills, watery eyes, runny nose
  • Cramping, insomnia
  • Vomiting, nausea, anxiety

Besides these, many people also suffer from a type of flu that appears as a withdrawal syndrome. Such symptoms may become severe enough to make people give up on treatment and go back to the addiction, especially where the right treatment and support are not being provided. To avoid such situations, you need to consider the professional and experienced rehab or detoxification center where you can get proper care, medication, counseling, and other 24-hours help and support. It is time to consult the rehab centers like Rehab Healthcare.

Association of Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms with Detoxification

Recovering from opiate addiction means your difficult journey through painful withdrawal symptoms. Usually, the withdrawal syndrome affects the central nervous system, and you can get the signs of hyperactivity. Usually, the withdrawal symptoms appear within 4 hours of taking the last dose of heroin, and it may continue for 48 to 72 hours, and sometimes even for a week. This time is very difficult as the patient has to go through severe cravings for the drug and feel high anxiety and increased respiratory rate, repeated yawning, diaphoresis, stomach cramps, and mydriasis lacrimation, and rhinorrhea. Besides this, the patient may also develop tremors, twitching in muscles, chills, fever, hypertension, tachycardia, nausea, anorexia, diarrhea, etc. To control the withdrawal syndromes, the patients are often prescribed buprenorphine, methadone, naltrexone, etc.

How is Opiate Withdrawal Diagnosed?

To start with the diagnosis of opiate withdrawal, you will initially need to go through a physical examination where the addiction specialist doctor will ask about your symptoms. You will also have urine tests so that the experts can monitor how much opiate is there in your body. They will also ask you about the history of any drug abuse and your medical history. You should answer properly and truthfully to cooperate with the caregivers to provide you the best support and treatment.

What Kind of Treatments are Provided for Opiate Withdrawal?

Opiate withdrawal is a difficult situation, and many addicts continue taking the drug only to avoid the treatment. Therefore, treating them within a controlled environment will be the best decision, and the chances of healing become greater.

Mild withdrawal is treated with medicines like aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, etc. Besides that, proper rest and having enough water is important. For more serious conditions, residential rehabilitation and other opioid medicines are important.

So, if you know someone close to you is suffering from opiate addiction, consult the best rehab center where they can get perfect treatment and help to go through the withdrawal.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Effects Of Methadone Addiction During Pregnancy And Its Potential Treatment

In simple words, methadone is a drug used for relieving pain. It is used for more severe cases like treating the withdrawal symptoms of people who are recovering from the addiction to morphine, heroin, etc. Methadone is a kind of drug known as opioids, and it is prescribed to patients suffering from other kinds of addiction because it is safer than other opioids. Methadone is considered the Medication-Assisted Treatment or MAT, and it is used to treat the effects of other opioids like heroin. In several rehab clinics in the UK like RehabHC, methadone is used for treating drug addiction.

Sometimes, people abuse methadone as a form addiction as well and have to be sent to rehab centers to get rid of methadone addiction. During pregnancy, methadone works better compared to other drugs, but what are the effects of methadone in pregnancy? Read on to know more.

How Using Methadone Affect Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is quite a delicate period where you have to be very careful. Therefore, any addiction can cause severe damage to you and your baby. If you take methadone during pregnancy, even as a treatment drug, it directly moves to the placenta. So, it is evident that methadone addiction will have an impact on the development of the baby. Although it is proven that methadone-based MAT is safer during pregnancy than any opioid prescription pills or heroin, too much consumption or addiction to it can cause neonatal abstinence syndrome.

As per the researches, it has been proven that methadone addiction can hamper baby growth. But, if a woman is already on methadone at the beginning of the pregnancy, she should not stop it without consulting the doctor. If a pregnant woman suddenly stops taking methadone if she was already on the dose, she may experience certain types of withdrawal syndromes, which can have ill effects on the baby. Besides, if you are already suffering from heart disease, electrolyte imbalance, breathing issues, liver or kidney diseases, thyroid, gall bladder, or pancreas issues, you should not take methadone as medicine.

Effects of Having Methadone during Pregnancy

Effects Of Methadone Addiction During Pregnancy And Its Potential Treatment

There are certain side effects of using methadone during pregnancy; even if it is taken as directed, it can cause dry mouth. If a woman is suffering from methadone addiction, she may suffer from several other complications during pregnancy, like

  • Sudden weight gain
  • Headache
  • Sore tongue
  • Mood swings
  • Problem in swallowing
  • Changes in vision
  • Urination problems
  • Dizziness
  • Stomach pain
  • Trouble staying asleep

If you have any of these symptoms while having methadone during pregnancy, you should immediately consult your doctor.

How is Methadone Addiction Treated?

At the best rehab centers like RehabHC, methadone addiction is treated by expert doctors and other professionals. Though methadone is not that harmful like other opioids, any kind of addiction is not safe while you are pregnant. At the best rehab centers, the staff provides detox treatment and compassionate care to eliminate methadone addiction. They arrange a proper rehabilitation program where the patients can access state-of-the-art-medical care, support groups, parenting classes, physical health monitoring, and mental health counseling.

While treating methadone addiction, you may go through certain types of withdrawal symptoms. This means her body won’t work properly without taking methadone. Now, if a pregnant woman suddenly stops taking it, it can be risky for the mother and the baby. Here are some kinds of methadone withdrawal syndromes that are treated in the rehab centers-

  • Yawning
  • Restlessness
  • Watery eyes
  • Backache
  • Anxiety
  • Chills
  • Insomnia
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal cramping

The addict goes through a medical detox program at the rehab centers, perfect for removing methadone addiction. There are proficient rehab centers where you can find a customized treatment plan for pregnant women suffering from methadone addiction. You will get non-judgmental care and a supportive environment to eliminate the toxic effect of methadone at the upgraded rehab centers like Rehab Healthcare.

Here you get to know how methadone addiction affects pregnant women and how it is treated at the rehab centers. If you know someone addicted to heroin or any other kind of opioid, you can consult the best rehab center in your vicinity. Even if it is about methadone addiction, the woman has to go through detox program for her baby’s sake. Not only pregnant women but lactating mothers should also stay away from methadone addiction. Methadone is often used to treat other kinds of addiction, but if you have any side effects, consult your doctor immediately.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Why Psychological Rehabilitation Is an Important Part of Treating Addiction?

Psychological Rehabilitation

While anyone close to you suffers from addiction, you often get puzzled about how to bring him back to the mainstream of life. Sometimes several treatment methods fail, and you don’t find any ray of hope to save your dear one. Do you know that psychological treatments for addictions can do well for the addicts? There are centers like Rehab Healthcare where all kinds of psychological treatments are done, required for treating addiction, and get you back into normal life. When a person is suffering from addiction, mental illness and disbalance will be a part of their life. To manage mental stability, identify the triggers, and improve mental functioning, one must go through psychological rehabilitation (PSR). It is one of the crucial parts of addiction treatment.

PSR is an approach towards the persons whose life is in jeopardy because of mental instability. And if addiction plays an important part in it, it becomes unbearable. With psychological rehabilitation treatment, your emotional, social, and cognitive skills are improved so that you can get back to the normal track quickly.

Principles of Psychological Rehabilitation

What are the Principles of Psychological Rehabilitation?

Though the treatment procedure can be different in several rehab healthcare settings, the basic principles are almost the same. The core goals help people in the following ways:

1. Make Them Hopeful

While someone is under addiction, they are already feeling lonely and suffer from some mental condition. When the situation gets worse, they feel more demoralized and hopeless. Through psychological rehabilitation, people can again feel hopeful for the future.

2. Feelings of Being Empowered

Through rehabilitation, people will feel about setting their goal of lives and feeling the urge to achieve them. They get back the belief that they have the power to go forward and make decisions in life.

3. Bring Back Their Key Skills

While being under mental pressure, people lose their confidence and forget about their skills. A rehabilitation program can help them get back their social skills, work skills, cognitive skills, and others.

4. Feel to be Supported

Mental health professionals must support patients with great care and build connections in their communities.

The healthcare professionals must sow the seeds of confidence in the patients so they can believe that

  • Everyone has certain potentials to develop
  • They have the right to self-determination
  • Each person has different needs
  • Support should be provided within a comfortable environment of the patient
  • The patient should focus on the present than the past

Based on the patient’s requirement, he is served with different treatment methods such as improving living and social skills and psychotherapy and medication.

Who Get the Maximum Benefits from Psychological Rehabilitation?

Here is a twist in the story. Many people with mental illness indeed benefit from the psychological rehabilitation program, but this style of treatment is not for all. For some people, medication and therapy can be enough to get back on the normal track of life. But, when a person is suffering from addiction, the rehab clinic in the UK, like RehabHC, uses this technique to cure patients. When people require additional assistance to recover and restore their usual mental functioning, they may need PSR immediately.

The conditions when people need PSR are mainly:

  • People require getting back full mental functioning after treatment
  • Disabled people who need regular assistance to stay on track and need help in several ways
  • Any regular people, even when functional, feel the requirement of additional assistance and support
  • People who don’t have any supportive environment and resources to stay functional

Anyone with severe and chronic psychiatric conditions can get recovered with PSR treatment. This mental treatment method will help the patients learn the basic skills to function well and cope with their present condition. Anyone with intellectual and cognitive disabilities can learn social skills and self-care learning skills through this treatment method.

Psychological Rehabilitation Concentrates on Person’s Strength

This psychological treatment method not only focuses on the areas of weaknesses of the patient but also makes the patient empowered and confident about their qualities. The experts will support you to develop your skills through education, observation, modeling, and practice. The program of psychological rehabilitation works on-

  • Increasing resilience and mental toughness
  • Boosting self-esteem
  • Increasing problem-solving skills
  • Managing stress
  • Improving social skills

Here you get to know how rehab centers like RehabHC work on psychological disbalance through psychological rehabilitation and help them get back to normal life. If you know someone who is at the difficult edge of life and don’t know how to get back, advice them to go through expert treatment at the best clinic.

Ketamine Addiction – Things You Need to Know To Save Your Dear One


Ketamine Addiction

Ketamine abuse and addiction are harmful kinds of addictions that young people often fall for at the rave parties and clubs. Though it begins with sheer curiosity, it becomes serious and hard to get rid of at a time. And when it becomes a serious addiction, it isn’t easy to get rid of without help. Ketamine is a kind of drug that is given to humans and animals as a tranquilizer. If it is taken without a doctor’s prescription, it can have serious issues on your health and drag you to severe addiction. It is difficult to stay away from the addiction of ketamine as if you want to stop it. The chemical changes in your brain will not let you stop taking it. Only professional treatment for ketamine addiction can help you to get back to your normal life.

A person under addiction will have severe side effects like they will feel detached from the surrounding for several days and become incapable of leading a normal and functional life. Their cognitive capacity also gets affected, along with their memory and speech. If you find someone close to you is addicted to ketamine, you can consult the Rehab Healthcare centers like RehabHC to get the best treatment.

Signs of Ketamine Addiction

Signs of Ketamine Addiction

Certain ketamine addiction symptoms will notify you about your close one, whether he/she is an addict. The important signs of ketamine addiction are:

  • Getting obsessed with something
  • Failing to take the responsibilities at school and work
  • Neglecting family and friends
  • Staying lost for several days
  • Feeling the urge to be higher than high

If someone shows any such signs, it is high time to seek professional help so that the experts can treat a person with proper medication and therapy to maintain the brain’s chemical balance and make it easier to go through the psychological recovery process.

What is Ketamine?

Ketamine has several popular names like Special K, Dorothy, Kit Kat, Vitamin K, Cat Valium, etc. In treatment, ketamine is used as a sedative for children who are sensitive to any other strong sedatives. It is especially used for treating radiation and burn therapy where patients fail to handle any other strong sedatives. It is an anesthetic for animals and abused as recreational drugs. Ketamine is highly popular among young adults in clubs and rave parties.

The main reason for this drug’s popularity is that it works as a dissociative anesthetic and comes with sedative side effects. It gives the user an out-of-body experience where he/she feels detached from their surroundings. Not only that, but this drug also warps the hearing and seeing the ability of the user and makes it difficult to move. Users also have said that they have ‘near-death experience’ after this drug abuse. Too much use of ketamine can cause a psychological dependency on the drug, which is not good. Using or selling ketamine without a doctor’s prescription is illegal.

Side Effects of Ketamine Overuse

Ketamine is a hallucinogenic tranquilizer, responsible for creating a full-body buzz to the user and makes them experience a sense of relaxation. Though the high lasts nearly an hour, a severe high dose known as ‘K-Hole’ can make people experience ‘near-death experience’ or ‘out-of-body experience’ where they get the feeling of completely detached from reality. It also has anesthetic properties that make people numb and may cause serious accidents or injuries.

Another danger of using this drug is that the user can’t determine how much to charge as it is quite unpredictable. Sometimes, a small dose can act seriously if the user is already on any other drug or alcohol. As it is a tranquilizer, it can hamper the user’s mobility, which is quite dangerous as the user may not ask for any help if needed. Death due to respiratory failure can happen due to ketamine overdose.

Apart from all these, there are several other side effects of ketamine usage like:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Respiratory issues
  • Muscle rigidity
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Paranoia
  • Flashback of hallucinations
  • Long-term cognitive difficulties
  • Depression

Any small dose of ketamine can cause side effects that can last nearly 24 hours or so, such as:

  • Stumbling
  • Loss of coordination
  • Muscle weakness

Ketamine is one such drug that can catch you even after just one charge of a very small amount. The experience won’t be good, and it will only drag you towards having more and more, which will be difficult to get rid of. Consult the best UK addiction treatment center like Rehab Healthcare where you can get the best treatment to stay away from this drug and get a normal life again.


Private Addiction Treatment – Things You Need to Know


Private Addiction Treatment

Suffering from addiction is a private matter. People want to maintain privacy when someone of their family or friend circle suffers from addiction. This is the reason they look for a private addiction treatment system where privacy and confidentiality are maintained thoroughly. Getting treated at such rehab centers helps the person get back to normal life without much interference. He never faces any workplace issues or finds it difficult to cope with society after getting cured. His family won’t get social pressure too. Getting treatment from private rehab centers like Rehab Healthcare can limit the patient’s complications and worries that they may face in a publicly held or state-operated center.

Why Look for Private Addiction Treatment

Why Look for Private Addiction Treatment?

While it comes to treatment for drug or any addiction, it is important to know that each person has different treatment requirements. There are numerous private healthcare centers available where you can get the kind of treatment you want. Based on the condition of a patient, the specialists at the rehabilitation centers determine the treatments to offer, like-

  • Types of drugs to be prescribed
  • Length of time the drug to be used
  • Considering the condition of a patient, especially if he/she is abusing more than one type of drug
  • The dosage is taken before the treatment
  • Considering any co-existing mental disorder

Once the specialists consider a patient’s condition, they can design the treatment procedure, medicines, and therapies to be used for treating them individually.

Different Types of Private Addiction Treatment Programs

In private rehab healthcare, different types of addiction treatment programs are designed as per patients’ requirements. As the triggers of each patient are different, the treatment procedure should be customized accordingly. Here are certain types of treatment programs provided at the private addiction healthcare system.

1. Residential Rehabilitation Program

Under this program, the patient needs to stay at the treatment location for a period of being treated. The major benefit of residential rehabilitation is that constant medication monitoring and thorough supervision is maintained here. The routine includes several recreational activities, group support, different types of therapies, and counseling sessions.

2. Intensive Outpatient Treatment

This method means a dedicated two to three hours of treatment of the patient regularly. If a person has the strong support of his family and friends, he/she is often recommended with intensive outpatient treatment. Moreover, this treatment is offered to discharged patients from the rehabilitation center but requires regular checkups.

3. Partial Hospitalization Treatment

If the patient has a family obligation at home, they may benefit from this treatment method, where they require hospitalization for a day or for the time being. Usually, this treatment is conducted within a day, and it is expected that people will recover through group meetings and support.

4. Dual Diagnosis Therapy

Several addicts are already suffering from certain types of mental disorders. Suppose such a person gets addicted to alcohol or certain types of drugs that can be fatal for him/her. In that case, an integrated treatment plan should be designed for such patients, which will treat both the patient’s conditions and bring back the functionality of his life.

5. Sober Living Homes

The recovering patients often worry about returning to their house as they fear getting into the same environment that led them towards addiction. Many people prefer to live in sober living homes with proper aftercare and within a new environment in such cases. If you are under the treatment of any private rehabilitation healthcare, you will get certain recommendations and referrals of such living homes to spend your life peacefully.

6. Group Support Programs

This is one of the most challenging parts of the private treatment for addiction as such patients want to avoid any communication or group services. Besides, after the group meetings, many feel lonely again, which is an important trigger towards addiction. Fortunately, online group meetings can be arranged, and people can now create their chat group to share their experiences of life.

Things to Consider While Choosing Private Addiction Treatment

To find the best private addiction treatment, you can consider certain important things.

Statistics and Recovery Rate: Every rehab center will promise you to give the best services available. But, still, there is something to do from your side. You can arrange a meeting with the therapist to clear your confusion. You can also talk to the staff about the opinions of former clients and so on.

Credentials of the Professionals: You should check the credentials of therapists and other staff related to the treatment procedure to know their expertise.

Aftercare: Treatment of addiction is a long process. It is not about giving medicines and therapies, and the patient is cured overnight. Aftercare regimes are very important to provide to stop the patient from falling for the addiction again. Check out if the center offers you that.

So, here you get a thorough overview of private addiction treatment. There are centers like RehabHC that provide the best treatment and set you back to the normal stream of life in the quickest possible way.


Monday, September 21, 2020

Rehab For Eating Disorders – The Fastest Path To Recovery


Eating disorders like Bulimia nervosa or anorexia nervosa are becoming common among people. It is due to their mental stigma with their body image or due to excessive pressure they endure to maintain their image. Their psychological health often affects their physical well-being and causes other serious health problems.

If you are unable to control your dietary disorder and cannot eat, the problem needs immediate medical attention. Not eating causes malnutrition, which in the long haul causes health hazards and may even cause death. Hence, the best way is to get proper treatment. If one is struggling with eating disorders, the best way is to seek professional help. Rehabilitation programs often help patients who are unable to respond to regular medication. Rehabs Clinic is one of the specialist rehabs, which offers holistic and wholesome rehabilitation care to patients with eating disorders.

Looking for Treatment for an Eating Disorder

An eating disorder patient will receive medicines along with a good diet in the rehab center. In a rehab center, one can get their dietary issue advisor and expert treatment group. They evaluate your dietary problem, its triggers, its seriousness, and its effect. This data helps to treat an individual and overcome the disorder.

At rehab, healthcare like RehabHC, experts, and doctors work with you to make a supportable treatment intended to assist you with working through both mental and physical symptoms. They will additionally check whether private treatment is required or whether outpatient backing would be best for your healing. They will also inform you about each step to get a better understanding of the procedure.

Clinical Treatment

Doctors may recommend medications to overcome the psychological hurdles that an eating disorder patient may experience. Psychological well-being issues can be the main impetus for dietary problems, generally going about as the underlying boosts. In this situation, solutions will be given to help control psychological well-being issues, at last controlling negative considerations, bulimia, or pigging out.

Psychological Treatments and Counseling

To deal with psychological issues, the experts will give an assortment of mental medicines. Every treatment will chip away at your contemplations and conduct, assisting with affecting an emotional standpoint and relationship with eating. For individuals enduring a dietary problem, right now, a negative association with food is available. The medicines can often heal your mental illness related to eating disorders and may help you to overcome associated anxiety or depression.

Treatment that Can Help You to Overcome Your Mental Blockage

Behavioral Therapy: Here is the place your negative musings and affiliations will be tested, talked about, and changed. It will assist with taking a shot at your dietary issue and routine practices, helping you picture a positive future.

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: This type of treatment meeting will assist you with understanding your subliminal considerations and difficulties affecting your issue.

Family Treatment: This time is hard for relatives and friends and family. In rehab healthcare, your family will get an explicit knowledge of your dietary problem and the way they can help you all through your recovery. Expert doctors will provide the necessary information to ensure that they understand your situation. Moreover, they will direct your family and relatives through this troublesome time. Counseling of the patient, along with their family member, often offers the patient a better inspiration for overcoming that dangerous health issue.

Relational Psychotherapy: To reduce your mental association with anorexia or bulimia, recreational therapy works great. RehabHC offers curated recreational treatment where a patient learns to rediscover their inner self and inner beauty through their hidden talents.

Why Nutrition Is Important

Close by mental treatment and improve recuperation probability, nutritional supplement treatment will be given. You will become familiar with the impacts of your dietary problem and the way to beat them. You will additionally support your wholesome information and the way to push ahead with an appropriate eating regimen. This strategy is essential to help decrease future backslide likelihood.

By accepting an assortment of proper treatment techniques, your conduct propensities and emotional wellness issues will gradually diminish, helping you imagine a solid, positive future. This cycle cannot be hurried and can take some time if a substantial mental issue has been created. In any case, every achievement will move you towards recuperation.

One should always choose a reputed Rehab Healthcare (RehabHC). It is because they have an understanding of helping people work through their eating disorder. Such clinics offer proof-based, driving medicines, alongside expert help, to assist you to overcome your inner demons. They also provide complete care to ensure the patients get to discover their path to recovery faster.

In case you are presently enduring a dietary issue or accept side effects are not dangerous, the best way is to check into a rehab. Looking for clinical help ought to be your need to fight both your mental and physical manifestations. Through proper treatment and mental guidance along with constant supervision, a patient of anorexia nervosa or Bulimia nervosa can quickly return to a healthy and everyday life.
