Friday, August 27, 2021

Benzodiazepine Overdose Treatment and Its Challenges


You must have heard of or seen people suffering from Benzodiazepine addiction. Earlier, this was a common addiction type in the US, and now it is across the UK.

As a prescription drug, Benzodiazepine has become a reliable component for inducing sleeping. The other versions of the same are Valium and Xanax. The doctors often prescribe this for treating insomnia.

This Benzodiazepine can make the person feel relaxed and become the best choice for those seeking relief from a stressful life. It might cause people to resort to it and unknowingly go for an overdose too.

Rehab Healthcare offers the Benzodiazepine detox treatment in the UK to ensure people come clean even after a near-overdose or abuse.

What Contributes to Benzodiazepine’s Overdose?

You have to credit the Benzodiazepine to react to the central nervous system and relax muscles, reducing stress. Hence, doctors prescribe these Benzodiazepine-laced medicines to treat everything from anxiety to seizures, amnesia, and even sleeplessness.

Valium is famous for having long-lasting effects, while Xanax has a short-lasting effect. That said, many people combine it with other drugs to make it too potent. It might lead to an overdose like no other.

Look for an overdose when you spot any or a few of these symptoms in a person. Dizziness, blurred vision, anxiety, agitation, slurred speech, and even uncoordinated movement all show the signs of overdose.

However, the extent of these might go to a severe level when one has already gone to the extreme. Some may have been taking Benzodiazepine for a long, and this might also cause the symptoms to become extreme. There will also be other complications like a reduction of oxygen in the body and breathlessness.

You will also have to note if the user has been overdosing with any other drug. If yes, make a note of the drug and even the dosage. If it is a lot, then the case is sure to be high.

More Factors Contributing to the Overdose

Benzodiazepine often results in tolerance, where the body starts adapting to the regular prescribed dose. It means the body will need a higher dose of the medicine. To ensure a better result, people often, without consulting the doctor, go for a larger dosage. In fact, as per a report, most overdose cases result from this problem with tolerance.

Once the Benzodiazepine overdose happens, people might want to stop it suddenly. But this is where the withdrawal symptoms creep in to cause havoc.

Types of Treatment for Benzodiazepine Overdose

When a person has an overdose, they might struggle to breathe. Take them to emergency services, where the doctors might recommend performing the best resuscitation process.

However, this will also be the time the doctors might recommend a rehab-based treatment. It will also help the doctors if you bring along the medicines you have been consuming to get a clear idea. Also, it would help if you could bring the earliest prescription with the initially prescribed dose.

Looking at that, they would understand what condition you had and why you had got that prescription in the first place. It would help them to decide on a plan for you to stay away from the Benzodiazepine-drugs.

They will also urge you to stop going for more OTC drugs like Nurofen Plus or Codeine-based cough syrups. These might be appearing harmless, but they will not help in your condition of Benzodiazepine overdose.

Challenges in Treatment Process

The doctors might ask for a complete diagnostic report on your current health condition. It might be difficult to pronounce, especially if no one but the patient alone has a clue about his medicines.

The doctors would then check the blood tests, urine tests in pregnant women, and ECGs to see how healthy you are. It will also show how clean you are and what are damages you have already done.

Rehab Treatment and More

The first step the doctor would take on looking at the test reports would be to recommend you with a Benzodiazepine detox treatment. It would begin with counseling and then psychological treatment. Experts may recommend you a tapering process and reduce your dose of Benzodiazepine.

This will happen in very minimal quantities to delight the body and brain. It can then help in slowly moving towards better health. They would also talk to the families and bringing in the sense of responsibility. The users might need to know how they risk losing it all by going under the addiction of this lethal drug.

Proper rehab clinic UK-based will guide you to understand how the Benzodiazepine overdose works and why you should stay away from these at all costs.

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How Rehab and Other Treatments can Work on de-addiction of Methadone

 Everyone in their lifetime will at least for once need for using painkillers. You may have broken a bone while playing soccer, and the doctor might have recommended the painkiller to ease the pain.

You might have also felt the need for relief from long-term chronic pain, for which the doctor might have recommended the painkiller. In many of these, Methadone might also be available in small quantities. Methadone falls in the opioid analgesics family and thereby has plenty of chances to cause methadone addiction.

If a person you know needs rehab from this addiction, Rehab Healthcare is the best choice. The UK-based rehab and de-addiction clinic has specialist staff members to cater to all the needs and encourage the patients to a better life.

What Causes Methadone Addiction

Methadone has the property of causing an alteration to the way you respond to pain and thereby helps in being a component in painkillers. It alters the way the nervous system would react to pain. Unlike morphine, this drug is slower in impact. Because it impacts the nervous system and the brain, stopping taking this drug might cause withdrawal symptoms.

The addiction takes effect slowly. Since it can block the effects of heroin and other drugs, experts use it to fight addiction. It is ironic that while doing so, one might fall prey to Methadone addiction too. The symptoms might include restlessness, vision problems, headache, and mood changes.

Overdosing on Methadone is common, and symptoms include slower heart rate, extreme drowsiness, pupils reducing in size, and more. Hence, you might need a Replacement therapy or a Maintenance treatment from the Rehab clinic, UK-based.

Rehab and the Other Methods

Methadone can induce dependence even when you use it as a method for withdrawing from heroin addiction. Methadone addiction might require a longer withdrawal and rehab plan if your friend has been taking the medicines for a long time.

In the rehab setting, the patients will be under the constant and vigilant care of the caregivers and doctors who treat addiction. They would firstly sit with the patient and see their history of drug addiction. If they have been under the influence of Methadone to stay clear from heroin, they would need to go through the slow-paced withdrawal.

One indeed uses the rehab program for treating any addiction. Though it is up to the clinic to suggest a full or partial stay during the treatment, the effects are beneficial in both cases.

Another point to help the patient in getting out of the Methadone addiction is by knowing how they got into this addiction in the first place. If they have become addicts or dependents on the drug because of their heroin detox program, they will need a different approach.

However, if the person is stealing the Methadone from the streets, the condition requires special care.

Detox from Methadone

Ideally, the UK addiction treatment center will be promoting a set of treatments. It would include one-on-one psychological therapies and counseling. The idea is to combat the dependence on the drug. Remember, with time, Methadone’s power will become less effective. It might cause the user to increase the dosage, and there begins the risk.

So, the doctors at Rehab Clinic UK would be watching the intake of these Methadone-based drugs but at a controlled measure.

The next step would be to look for withdrawal symptoms, including nausea, limp muscles, vomiting, disorientation, and more. The staff members would keep an eye on the drug control and even see for any harsher effects.

Besides this, medications also exist when you are in turn to quit Methadone over few weeks.
Often, the doctors might prescribe another drug to wear off the effects of Methadone without causing withdrawal like the Buprenorphine.

If the doctor feels that you might as well benefit by staying away from opioid-based drugs, he might suggest Suboxone too.

Another treatment will be to send the patient through counseling more regularly. Talking to the patients might help them to get to recovery faster than anything else.

Detoxifying from Methadone is only at its best when you go for the treatment from a reliable clinic. They would have doctors and medical practitioners round the clock. It would help speed the recovery and even help the person quit the Methadone entirely and for good.

Remember that during this cleansing process of flushing out Methadone, you might experience symptoms. At a rehab clinic, they will understand what urges you get and will do everything in their power to make your journey out of Methadone addiction a success.

Under-Age Alcohol Addiction – Why Adolescents are Falling Prey to Alcoholism And Ways to Treat It


Alcohol is a causal factor for almost 60 medical conditions like stomach cancer, depression, high blood pressure, cirrhosis of the liver, etc. A report states that over 42.4% of the adolescents are undergoing treatment for alcohol addiction, and 39% of the youngsters above the age of 18 years are undergoing the same treatment. The main reason for adolescent drinking is the emotional, dramatic, physical, and lifestyle changes because of puberty and increased independence.

Apart from this, they start to drink, but under peer pressure, they resort to harmful drinking too or get addicted to alcohol in the long run. This has even led to death in accidents or because of trips and falls.

Why Are Adolescents Prone To Drinking?

1. Drinking is seen as a social activity

Alcohol is embedded in society and seen as the way to relieve stress and produce a positive mood. But, this mood-relieving activity has become dangerous for teens. To escape the pressure and stress at school, most adolescents opt for this form of addiction. They drink too much at an early age. Underage drinkers are stated to consume almost 4 to 5 drinks per occasion. The time between drinking is approximately 6 months.

2. Continuous peer pressure

Alcohol involvement and peer pressure lead to negative effects on the health of underage people. The peer pressure comes from classmates and friends that are direct and indirect. Direct pressure is when peers/classmates ask the person to do something deliberately. Indirect pressure arises when an underage person watches others engaging in an activity and performs the same actions. The indirect pressure even comes when adolescents see pictures of people partying on social media. This motivates them to taste or drink a glass of an alcoholic beverage.

3. Looks socially cool

Adolescents who switch to drinking think that switching to alcoholism will make them look cool, and they can fit in with the traditions of society. It will help them feel more comfortable around their friends, and they will be accepted in their peer group. A few teenagers are simply doing it just because they want to battle the awkward pressure they are feeling from their friends.

4. Battle mental and emotional problems

A few teens switch to alcohol to look cool or easily available, but others want to battle depression and anxiety issues. Many adolescents are going through emotional and mental problems that lead to poor impulse control. This increases their dependence on alcohol that further leads to alcohol abuse among teenagers and youngsters.

Warning Signs of Underage Alcoholism

Teenage drinking is creating a problem for them, their families, and society as a whole. Adolescents cannot focus on themselves, which risks their families and society’s life in danger.

Here are a few warning signs:

  • Mood swings
  • Drinking in isolation
  • The extreme level of changes in their behavior
  • Reckless driving
  • Behavioral problems
  • Alcohol withdrawal includes nightmares, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, etc.

But, to avoid underage drinking, there are some psychological treatments for addictions that must be administered timely. This will change the very essence of adolescent’s behavior, and they can become a part of a healthy society.

Significant Ways To Treat Underage Alcoholism

To treat alcohol abuse in adolescents, the parents need to find a relevant de-addiction program. This will help the teenagers to recover well and under the supervision of experts. There are personalized alcohol de-addiction treatments provided to adolescents. The tailor-made program will help the adolescents with:

  • Reducing the positive image of alcoholic beverages and looking at it as the sign of social lifestyle
  • Helping to build zero tolerance towards the alcohol
  • Involving parents at a large extent to help their child know about the negative effects of alcohol and its withdrawal
  • Building stress and anxiety management strategies
  • Encouraging them to participate in the extra-curricular activities
  • By talking with their parents and experts, teenagers can get rid of the alcohol abuse as quickly as possible.
  • Community intervention also plays a great role. The authorities must frame stricter laws to stop alcohol addiction among the underage population. The training must be given to the respective shop owners and their staff to check alcohol sales to the adolescents. Media must be used to raise awareness about this grave issue.


Alcohol addiction among the underage population is becoming a real problem in the UK. To bring the adolescents and youngsters into the mainstream, it is necessary to help the underage community to join the alcohol addiction treatment UK organized by rehab healthcare like RehabHC.

They offer confidential and affordable alcohol de-addiction advice and treatment to the underage community. You can talk to their experts about your child’s problem, and they will provide personalized solutions.

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