Saturday, March 28, 2020

How Is Chest Pain Related To Alcoholism?

Are you experiencing chest pain after consuming alcohol? Then it is quite alarming! Drinking too much alcohol can cause heart disease, and you can suffer from chest pain and other difficulties like irregular heartbeats, abnormal breathing, and so on. Too much alcohol can even pose death threats. If you know someone who is an alcoholic and suffering from chest pain, ask him to consult Rehab Healthcare to get proper treatment for his chest pain and get rid of addiction.

Can Alcohol Affect Your Heart?

Can Alcohol Affect Your Heart
Too much alcohol consumption can lead to severe heart diseases, and those can be fatal for you. When you consume alcohol, your liver breaks it down in several harmful particles, causing severe harm to your body. If you are exposed to these substances regularly, and for a longer time, you can damage your heart the most. People who have a history of drinking for a long time will have weak heart muscles. This can cause cardiac failure quite abruptly. Besides these, alcohol addiction can take a toll on your hormones and create a hormonal imbalance in your body. This will surge adrenaline rush in the human body repeatedly and cause heart damage.

Can Alcohol Lead to Chest Pain?

Addiction to alcohol can cause heart diseases, and chest pain is a major symptom. However, there are certain conditions when consuming moderate alcohol can also cause chest pain and heart issues. Here are some of the heart diseases related to alcohol and cause chest pain.

#1. Alcohol Allergy

Many people are allergic to alcohol. Consuming a little amount of alcohol can cause serious issues to them, like chest pain. If you ever have experienced it, you should stay away from any kind of alcohol to remain safe.

#2. Acid Reflux

Too much drinking can cause acid reflux in some people, leading to chest pain. During drinking, people also have a habit of consuming a large amount of food. This can cause acid reflux, which is distressing and painful. Suffering too much in acid reflux and chest pain can often lead to a heart attack. Addiction to alcohol can lead someone to this fatal end. If you ever feel pressure on your chest and pain after consuming alcohol, immediately call your doctor before it is too late. You have to visit drug rehab clinics in London to get back your sobriety and good health.

#3. Dehydration

When your body dehydrates, there are strains on your muscles like heart muscles. Thus, you can feel chest pain. Drinking alcohol can dehydrate your body, and you can feel a dry throat and squeezing pain in your chest. Consuming water and supplying electrolytes to your body can save you from such a situation. If you are a moderate drinker, but goes above the limit on occasions, you should keep yourself hydrated from facing any chest pain.

#4. Hodgkin’s Disease

This is the cancer of lymph nodes. If a patient suffering from this disease consumes alcohol, he can suffer from chest pain. Hodgkin’s disease will not affect your heart, but the irritation in your lymph nodes can cause chest pain to the patient. Dump the habit of consuming alcohol immediately and consult your doctor to stay well.
These are specific causes of chest pain if you are an alcoholic. It is the high time to eliminate this habit and stay fit and fine without any complexities.

How to Deal with Alcohol-related Chest Pain?

How to Deal with Alcohol-related Chest Pain
If you are a moderate drinker and still have chest pain after consuming alcohol, you can follow the below tips to get rid of your problem.
  • Drink too much water as alcohol dehydrates your body, leading to chest pain.
  • Go for anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and aspirin, which can give you quick relief from chest pain from alcohol.
  • If you are having continuous pain and don’t get relief from any of these remedies, consult a specialist immediately.
  • If you are having severe chest pain after having alcohol, give a Call to the Ambulance. Always keep the number of the ambulance service ready and give it a call if your chest pain is severe.

What is Cardiomyopathy?

If someone is drinking alcohol for a long time, there is a high chance of suffering from cardiomyopathy. This life-threatening disease will start with minor symptoms. When someone drinks too much alcohol for long terms, the heart muscles increase in size and becomes weak. A weak heart fails to pump blood continuously and tends to fail at any time, causing death. So, you have to check yourself now and visit Rehab Healthcare to get rid of your addiction and get a healthy and happy life.

How Can Alcohol Be A Serious Cause Of Stomach Pain?

How Can Alcohol Be A Serious Cause Of Stomach Pain

There can be several reasons for stomach pain. However, you need to notice whether you are having excruciating pain after having alcohol. If so, you can take a simple step initially to get rid of this pain. Stop Drinking! But it is not that easy for those who are already highly addicted to alcohol. In that case, you have to consult Rehab Healthcare for overall treatment and counseling. When someone consumes alcohol for a long time, it can cause a severe impact on their liver. Also, alcohol gastritis can be a serious health issue to them.
Chronic gastritis is a condition when you suffer from gradual, but intense pain in your stomach that can last intermittently for months or years. With time, the conditions can get worse, and the sufferer may have stomach ulcer, bleeding, bowel blockage, mucous membrane tears, anemia, liver damage, etc. Today, we will concentrate on how consuming alcohol can make the situation worse.

What is Alcoholic Gastritis?

People who are addicted to alcohol suffer from alcoholic gastritis. This kind of inflammation or irritation happens to the stomach lining due to excessive alcohol consumption. This causes the sufferer to have heartburn, stomach ulcers, bleeding and upset bowel syndromes, which will worsen with heavy drinking. If someone close to you is suffering from alcohol abuse and alcoholic gastritis because of that, contact Rehab Healthcare or any such centers near you.

Symptoms of Alcoholic Gastritis

It does not mean that alcohol consumption can cause alcohol gastritis to all. However, if you are an abusive drunker or already suffering from chronic or acute gastritis, you can develop the symptoms of alcoholic gastritis faster. Today, we will check out the symptoms of alcohol gastritis for you to take precautions.

#1. Symptoms of Acute Alcoholic Gastritis

Once you are suffering from acute gastritis, you will suffer from certain symptoms after consuming alcohol continuously for a few days or consuming it excessively once. If not controlled at the beginning, it can grow to chronic alcoholic syndrome. Here are the symptoms of acute alcoholic gastritis.
  • Nausea
  • Hiccups
  • Vomiting
  • Appetite loss
  • Burning sensation
  • Bloating

#2. Symptoms of Chronic Alcoholic Gastritis

Usually, these symptoms are evident in the people who are suffering from long-term alcoholism. Indeed, the stomach pain of chronic alcoholic gastritis is not that much excruciating like acute alcohol gastritis. However, if it is ignored, it can bring life-threatening issues. Here are the deadly symptoms of chronic alcohol gastritis.
  • Acid reflux and indigestion
  • Vomiting blood
  • Weight loss
  • Anemia
  • Ulcers
  • Black stool due to gastric bleeding
  • Stomach discomfort for a long time
  • Pain during sleeping or eating

What are the Risk Factors of Alcoholic Gastritis?

Alcoholic gastritis is a kind of acute gastritis that can lead to chronic disease if you don’t stop consuming alcohol immediately. When you drink too much alcohol, it can upset the stomach and cause inflammation of your stomach lining. The only remedy is to stop drinking alcohol immediately to restore the health of your stomach and to get rid of any kind of stomach complications. There are certain risk factors associated with alcoholic gastritis like,
  • Stressful life
  • Use of an illicit drug
  • Smoking
  • Consuming too much fat and preservatives
  • Continue usage of medicines for acid reflux

Complications of Alcoholic Gastritis

To get rid of alcoholic gastritis, you have to treat it at the acute stage. If treated early, this problem can be cured completely. You have to be very careful if you are having stomach pain, and you are an alcoholic. This combination is quite risky, and people suffering from alcoholic gastritis can have the following complications.
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Tar-like stools
  • Shortness of breath
  • Blood in stool or vomit
Apart from these, several other issues can make your life at stake such as,
  • Internal bleeding and anemia
  • Vitamin 12 deficiency and lethargy
  • Iron deficiency
  • Tumors in the stomach
If anyone near you is suffering from these complications, and he/she also has the history of being alcoholic, it is high time to send them to Rehab Healthcare for proper treatment.
If someone struggles with an alcoholic syndrome, he should be sent to Rehab Healthcare or any other such centers where he will be diagnosed not only for alcoholic gastritis but also for addiction. As the treatment procedure is intertwined, it is essential to get success in making the patient sober to treat alcoholic gastritis. At the treatment center, the patients usually go through a complete procedure of being sober and safe, and such methods include alcohol detoxification, medication-assisted therapy, behavioral therapy, group counseling, and so on.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Effects Of Compulsive Overeating On Your Life

An eating disorder can hamper your life a lot, and it can turn into Compulsive Overeating. It happens when you overeat within the little gap and then fall ill. Compulsive Overeating is a mental disorder that can bring serious side effects to many people. Presently, compulsive overeating is a huge problem where people repeatedly eat within specific gaps and lead an unhealthy lifestyle. The habit of overeating is a struggle for many people. If you or your loved one is among then, then you can visit Rehab Healthcare to find the solution to this problem.

Compulsive Overeating: Things You Need to Know

Others often criticize people who overeat because of their eating habits and overweight. Many people think that they choose to get overweight because of overeating. However, things are not so simple for everyone. Not everyone decides to become obese by following the bad habit of compulsive overeating.
Compulsive overeating creates substantial mental pressure on the sufferer. They suffer from a lack of confidence, and their self-esteem gets lowered. As a result, many of them feel depressed enough to commit suicide. It is dangerous. Therefore, if you are suffering from compulsive overeating, it is time you take serious steps. When you are suffering from compulsive overeating, you eat large portions of food every time, called binging. If you do it regularly, it will make you physically sick. You need to find the best UK addiction treatment centers to get rid of this problem.

Causes of Compulsive Overeating

Though the actual causes of compulsive overeating are still unknown, many risk factors can lead you to this condition. If you have someone in the family with this problem, it can develop into you.
Besides that, emotional turbulence can also lead you to compulsive overeating. Many people find solace in food when any painful memory traumatizes them. Thus, they are causing severe damage to their mental and physical health.
People already suffering from any mental disorder, like stress, anxiety, and depression, also suffer from compulsive overeating as they find comfort in food.

How to Know You are Suffering from Compulsive Overeating?

Be aware that compulsive overeating is a disease. It is not that the sufferer is binging intentionally, or he does not have any will power to control it. Only a sufferer knows how difficult the struggle is as he has to fight with himself every time. Therefore, if you want to get rid of this trouble, it is essential to know that you have a problem. Once you admit it, the next step is to identify the signs of binge eating disorder. Here are the symptoms you should be cautious of compulsive overeating.
  • Gathering food at one time so that you can eat those later
  • Feeling an out-of-body sensation during binging
  • Eating secretly and unable to control even when you feel that you are really full
  • Eating in huge quantity within short gaps
  • Feeling disgusted with yourself each time you binge
  • Spending more and more times thinking only about food
  • Getting tensed and anxious while eating in front of someone
  • Feeling the sense of withdrawal from society because of your eating habit
Along with these symptoms, you can face the following some physical issues this time.
  • Irritation
  • Mood swing
  • Obesity
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Abdominal pain
If you find any mentioned-above symptoms in your loved one or within you, then consult the experts at Rehab Healthcare. We will offer you a free consultation and sympathetic family support to recover quickly.

Effects of Compulsive Eating Disorder

Effects of Compulsive Eating Disorder
Compulsive overeating may begin with a mental disorder, but soon it will cause physical issues that will be difficult to fight with. For example, once you gain weight because of binging, it will be challenging to fight against obesity until you find a solution for your eating habits. Once you put on lots of weight, you’re welcoming diseases like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and cardiac issues. Thus, you become more prone to stroke, heart attack, and other cardiovascular diseases.

If you are a woman, you will also have infertility because of this habit. Besides that, you will also suffer from pain at your joints and back, which can cause depression and anxiety. Along with physical issues, you also suffer from isolation. Your relationships get affected, and you succumb more to depression that causes more binging. Many people suffer from compulsive eating, stay away from family get together to avoid eating in front of others.

How to Treat Compulsive Disorder?

Compulsive overeating is a severe mental disorder, and you need professional help to get rid of this. Recovery can be time-consuming, but it is possible. Therefore, you have to be patient. The treatment procedure will include the development of a healthy relationship with your food, along with developing a healthy eating pattern. With continuous therapy and counseling, this problem can be handled.
Now you have an idea how to get rid of the bad habit of binge eating. Consulting drug and alcohol addiction treatment service in the UK from Rehab HC, you can soon get recovered from compulsive overeating.

Binge Drinking – How It Can Make Your Life Miserable?

Drinking alcohol without limitation is itself a dangerous cause of several physical, mental, and emotional disorders. Now, if someone binge on alcohol, that can cause fatal effects on his or her life. Though binge drinking is frequent, it is dangerous for all. As per statistics, the second largest group of people that report binge-drinking in the United States, however, are over the age of 35. People used to get drunk to celebrate success or for any reason and then suffer from a severe hangover the next day.
However, that is not binge drinking. To be precise, it is a drinking habit where people drink excessive alcohol within a little gap of few hours and make this a habit. This habit can cause severe physical, mental, and social damage to the person. Consulting Rehab Healthcare – Alcohol Rehab Clinic London can be a solution.

Binge Drinking – A Brief Definition

A new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 1 in 6 US adults reported binge drinking in 2015.
In the case of male, binge drinking means having five or more drinks within a period of two-hours while it is four drinks for women. Many of you think binge drinking does not include every type of alcohol, but that is not true. One can have binge drinking with any alcohol, like beer, wine, hard liquor, etc.

Reasons for Binge Drinking

The reasons for binge drinking can vary as per the situation of each person. Usually, such incidents of binging happen in parties where people drink too much out of peer pressure. Besides, young people also make it a habit to stay away from social isolation and anxiety. Many also binge drink out of curiosity, and when alcohol engulfs them, they do not realize that. Here are some of the reasons which play an essential role in causing binge drinking:
  • To stay away from the negative emotions and memories
  • To get severely drunk
  • To self-medicate
  • Addiction
  • Drinking while having intense alcohol cravings
Binge drinking not only hampers your physical health, but it affects your mental health a lot. By visiting UK addiction treatment centers, you can get over from binge drinking.

Short-term Effect of Binge Drinking on Your Physical and Mental Health

Alcohol consumption within little time regularly can have intoxicating effects on your physical, mental, and emotional health.

1. How Does Binge Drinking Causes Physical Harm?

Consuming too much alcohol affects the Central Nervous System of your body and causes numerous physical issues, like:
  • Numbness
  • Dizziness
  • Wrong coordination
  • High blood pressure
  • Irregular heartbeats
  • Low blood sugar
  • Dehydration
Apart from this, binge drinking can also harm your health that can be life threatening too.

2. How Does Binge Drinking Cause Mental and Emotional Misbalance?

Binge drinking is capable of disturbing your mental coordination, leading you to cause accidents, unsafe sex, and other criminal activities that can be fatal to your life.
Compulsive binge drinking can cause:
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Aggression
  • Memory blackouts
  • Impaired judgment
  • Confusion
Due to heavy drinking, people can have a mental disorder that can make them get into illegal activities.

Compulsive Drinking can Cause Accidents and Injuries

Compulsive Drinking can Cause Accidents and Injuries
Image Source: Alamy

Any kind of mental disorder can lead someone towards the risks of accidents, injuries, and even suicides. As per research, it has been proved that there are numerous cases of suicides that happen because of excessive drinking. The huge risks of binge drinking are-
  • Sexual assault
  • Car accident
  • Domestic violence
  • Suffocation
  • Burns
  • Falls
  • Drowning

What are the Long-term Effects of Binge Drinking?

Apart from the short-term impacts of binge drinking, certain long-term effects creep like the silent killer and finally finish you from inside. Such effects can be physical, mental, social, and emotional. The more you get along with binge drinking, you can suffer from the following long-term impacts-
  • Hypertension
  • Liver diseases
  • Heart ailments
  • Stroke
  • Weak immunity system
  • Cancer
  • STDs
  • Lack of memory
  • Lacking the ability to learning
  • Inability to keep up something important
  • Poor performance at work or study
  • Depression
  • Nerve problems and damage
Too much alcohol consumption will create a dependence on it, and it becomes quite challenging to remove the addiction. Hence, you need to take help of the best Rehab Clinics in the UK like Rehab HC to get back on the usual stream of life.
Rehab HC offers counseling, therapy, and many other physical and mental treatment procedures that will help you to get away from the toxic impact of alcohol. We provide a free assessment and advice from qualified counselors for various addiction treatment procedures.