Friday, June 25, 2021

The Journey from Addiction Recovery to Mental Wellness


The habit of addiction itself reveals a problem in the basic character traits of a person. It means that the person does not have complete control over his mind or desires. It has been seen that there is a close connection between addiction and mental health. Though one cannot directly address the cause-and-effect relationship between these two.

Sometimes abusing substances like methamphetamine or marijuana can cause some psychotic disorders. On the other side of the coin, people also get inclined towards drugs and alcohol after battling with some mental health issues for a prolonged time.

However, if you have ever been through this battle between your mental health and substance addiction, you are aware of the entire journey process. You must feel unapologetically positive and confident about your present and future self. Now, you must focus on maintaining your mental wellness by every means that you have learned through your psychological treatments.

Addiction Recovery to Mental Wellness

Use Your Addiction Recovery as an Instrument for Maintaining Mental Wellness

Mental health disorders are one of the most intrinsic issues globally, including in the United States in our modern society, irrespective of gender, class, financial or educational background, age, or any other human classification standards. People are becoming more aware of these problems now, but one should never neglect or shy away from asking for professional help in any mental health crisis.

In the residential rehabilitation centers, you get to work with or under the supervision of a professional therapist with a special focus on additional problems. It becomes extremely helpful as they guide you through different avenues for making you able to live a healthier life independently, both psychologically and physically, which makes you even stronger. It helps you get better control over your own emotions, desires, thoughts, and behaviors. At RehabHC, you will find several treatment programs for people with different mental health issues from depression, anxiety to addiction, dual diagnosis, and so on.

Support Your Mental Wellbeing While Fighting Against Addiction

You might be a fighter who has conquered the battle against addiction, but your journey does not end here. After achieving a stable platform, you must keep on going towards building a brighter future for yourself. Here are some ways in which you can work on both your mental health and your addiction issues.

1. Build a Constant Support System

Building a stable support system around you is extremely necessary. There should be a group of people in your family or friends whom you can completely rely on in times of need. Everybody needs to have somebody around who can support you without judging and give you meaningful advice to help you. We all have our stories. All we need is a good listener through good and bad times. You will require people around who understand your privacy and respect the struggles that you must have gone through against your addiction and mental health issues.

2. Make Sure to Have a Counsellor and Peers in the Process

It is another crucial strategy to maintain your mental wellness program. Having a counselor or a peer group who has witnessed similar struggles at some point and whom you can trust completely will indeed help you in the process. Try to build and maintain a healthy relationship with your mentors and counselor.
You can also take part in the group discussion sessions at any rehab healthcare center nearby, where you will get to know the struggles of others and understand that you are not alone n this journey. Even if you are still under medications, you should not neglect to visit your counselor.

3. Make Efforts to Bring a Change in Your Life

As the first step, you must admit to yourself that this is your life, and you have every right to work to achieve your life goals, even if your ideas do not comply with societal norms or other people. You must give your best efforts to live a healthier and happier life. It may mean that you have to explore new career opportunities, reshape your relationships with your near and dear ones, concentrate more on your hobbies spending quality time with family and friends, etc.

In short, you have all the reasons to try to find a way of life that fits you the best. Value the time you have still left to live in this world. Work hard to pave your path. Take care of your mental and physical health, knowing that you are never alone in this.

Find Help and Support

Always remember that you have been fortunate to have a transformed life after all the bad times and struggles. Learn to value whatever you have – people, time, education, career, life. Try to use everything you have learned in the process of recovery from your addiction and channelize them to build a better life for you. Never feel alone. Rehab centers and supportive bodies like the RehabHC and others are always there and happy to help in any mental health support or guidance.

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Is Alcoholism Related to Autism?


Autism is a condition that is becoming a more commonly known subject for research. It is a developmental disorder that can be seen in every one in 59 children. The disorder is also known as ASD or autism spectrum disorder. The speculations of the connection between alcoholism and autism have been there for a while now.

Studies have shown that people with this condition are more susceptible to alcohol as a coping mechanism to deal with the sensory issues and intense anxiety that they struggle with. However, this is still a subject of researches and needs more evidence to ascertain these claims. Also, people with alcoholism issues cannot necessarily always be classified as autistic.

Fortunately, there is enough awareness about ASD in the UK, with around 7000,000 reported autism cases all over the country. There are many centers for alcohol addiction treatment in the UK to help people battle the fight.

Alcoholism Related to Autism

What is Autism?

To understand the link between substance abuse and autism and reduce the rate of people falling prey to both conditions together, we need to understand the autism spectrum disorder. The term ASD explains itself that there is no one symptom or type of this disorder. Different people with autism can demonstrate their condition differently that can impact their life at many levels.

Many of us must have seen some depiction of autism in several movies, books, TV shows, etc. But there is much more to know about this disorder to eliminate all the confusion regarding people with autism. As it is a developmental disorder, children with the condition may find difficulties learning things in their early childhood, communicating with others verbally or non-verbally, or might be incapable of taking care of themselves independently. However, the severity of the symptoms differs for different people depending on how severely they are affected.

The Predominance of Autism and Substance Abuse

There is no direct connection between these two conditions. However, the most predominant and common symptoms of autism may lead a person to the path of becoming an alcoholic. Studies have shown that people with ASD are twice as likely to get affected by substance abuse. However, doctors and psychologists suggest that more research is needed to conclude this topic.

The health professionals at the Rehab Healthcare institutions suggest three main components to get diagnosed in people that play a significant role. These symptoms include communication and social impairment, repetitive behaviors, and limited interests. Now let us understand how these symptoms can lead someone to alcoholism.

Communication and social impairment mean they cannot learn or understand social behaviors to communicate with people. And this gives way to social anxiety in them, which sometimes leads to loneliness or frustration. Then after a certain point when they start failing to understand how to deal with this anxiety, they resort to alcohol as a coping method because alcohol has antidepressant properties. And finally, as they tend towards repetitive behavior and limited and focused interests, once they become dependent on alcohol, their condition becomes more severe as they don’t know how to turn back from there.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment in the UK with Focus on People with ASD

Therapy and counseling are found to be the best way to control the addiction. It does not necessarily mean that people with autism and alcohol addiction will always remain the same. There are many Rehab Healthcare facilities all over the United States who work on developing the social and behavioral skills of autistic people. RehabHC is a rehabilitation center who are doing excellent work in the field for years now.

Different rehab programs are available at different centers that are largely slightly different for each patient, depending on the nature of their symptoms and severity of the condition. Some popular treatment procedures include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), pharmacotherapy, counseling, alcohol detox, etc. There is no cure for ASD, but the condition of alcohol abuse can be managed with the help of these treatment procedures.

These treatments can help the patients find new mechanisms for managing and coping with their anxiety and other symptoms without depending on alcohol. Sometimes, speech and language therapy and occupational therapy come to be very helpful for people with an acute condition.


Both autism spectrum disorder and alcoholism are mental conditions. None of these can be cured completely but can be managed through proper measures. Therapists, counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health therapy practitioners are all working towards healing people with severe or mild mental health issues and help them begin a better life. At RehabHC, you can find different programs, compassionate care, and an individualized treatment approach. So, if you are someone or know someone dealing with such issues, always remember that help is always available.

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How to Deal with the Side-Effects of Methadone Treatments?

Methadone is an artificially produced opioid-based drug. It is one of the most effective drugs used since the time of the World Wars as painkillers. This sedative drug acts directly on the human brain and nervous system to relieve people from unbearable pains. Methadone is also known as Physeptone. This opioid-based drug is also used as a substitution treatment for patients suffering from heroin abuse to reduce the harmful element.

Although this helpful drug is completely safe and effective to use under the supervision of any professional Rehab Healthcare program, history has shown that many people get addicted to this drug and keep taking it beyond its prescribed limits. A methadone overdose can be fatal if not checked in time. Like all other medicines, it also has some side effects, especially if not consumed in a controlled manner.

Side-Effects of Methadone Treatments

Some Common to Serious Side Effects

If you are prone to get side-effects of taking any medicines, you might suffer from problems like:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Feeling dizzy, tired, or sleepy
  • Mild headache
  • Dry mouth, eyes, or nose
  • Sweating more than normal
  • Feeling cold
  • Mood swings or feeling numb
  • Major allergic reaction
  • Breathing trouble, irregular heartbeat
  • Swelling of tongue, lips, face, mouth, throat, etc.

It is best to contact your nearest physician or help center as soon as you get any of these side effects. However, we are going to find some ways to deal with such side effects after methadone treatment. RehabHC is one such place where you can get some professional help in such cases in the UK.

1. Take A Nap

If you feel extremely tired or feel an uncontrollable urge to sleep, then taking a short nap might be the most helpful solution for you. You can get the best results for the map if you follow these tips:

  • Keep it brief: Never take a long deep sleep. It can increase your grogginess instead. Try to keep the nap brief for about just 15 minutes at a stretch.
  • Nap during the early afternoon: If you delay the nap time, it can disrupt your night-time rest. Try to go to sleep before 3 pm.
  • Create a favorable environment: Create an ideal setup for getting a quick but deep sleep. Find a comfortable bed in a dark and quiet room. Ensure the temperature of a room is pleasant and the surrounding is quiet so that you can get optimum rest.
  • Get a transition: Take your time before you wake up. If you abruptly wake up in the middle of your nap, it cannot give you the desired relief. Give yourself some time to get ready to leave the bed.

2. Do Some Physical Exercise

Simple to moderate physical activity helps in staying energized all the time. Exercising helps boost your energy by increasing the blood flow and pulse rate of your body and preventing you from feeling dizzy. After completing your methadone treatment, make a morning or evening walk habit every day or do simple stretching exercises.

3. Practice Deep Breathing

Breathing exercise is always very helpful for any human being, whether you are under any treatment or not. It can be performed any time anywhere. Breathing exercise can help you boost blood circulation or awake your brain cells. Find yourself a quiet corner at any place, preferably in the open air, and try some breathing techniques.

  • Stand up straight with your arms by your side in a relaxed position and keep your eyes closed.
  • Inhale fresh air through your nostrils, and at the same time, raise both your hands above your head.
  • Hold your breath for few seconds and feel your rib cage expanded.
  • Now exhale the air through your mouth and lower your hands.
  • Repeat the process till you feel refreshed.

4. Eat Something Healthy

Try to grab some healthy snaking items when you feel drowsy. Some healthy snacks include celery or wheat crackers, peanut butter, yogurt with nuts and fruits, hummus and baby carrots, etc.

Find Help

If you are someone from the UK and suffering from issues due to methadone addiction, do not be frightened. You can always find help from professionals working tirelessly to help people find a better life on the other side of this darkness. RehabHC is a team of professionals with several clinics all over the country who have tremendous experience in the field of treatment for methadone addiction through psychological intervention and medical detoxification methods. Addiction is not a single problem; it brings a series of other problems – physical and psychological, along with it.

So, if you or your loved ones are dealing with such problems, you can contact any rehabilitation center like RehabHC across the country. With proper guidance, counseling, and treatment, you can also have a beautiful life because you deserve it.

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