Sunday, March 21, 2021

Weighing The Binge Eating Disorder And Tackling It


In the present times, when people are becoming more visible on social media, they are also trying to look good. It may sound like a good thing in the beginning, but it is far different from reality. Binge Eating Disorder or BED has a staggering mortality rate across the UK and the US. Reports suggest that the average adolescent is conscious of their body image. They are serious about how oversized they are and why they should do something to look good. Binge Eating Disorder is a mental disorder, and thankfully today, treatment of eating disorders is available from reputed organizations like Rehab Healthcare, a UK-based healthcare facility.

They offer comprehensive packages that include a host of services and treatment procedures to ensure superb health and happiness.

They are sure to cause people to watch their diet when they should enjoy life and look for ways to improve it. Several factors add up to or cause binge eating disorders. These eating disorders even lead to people ending up rejecting themselves and having a poor image of themselves. There are many levels or tiers of eating disorders like anorexia, Bulimia as well as Binge Eating Disorders. Therefore, the treatments are also as diverse and distinctive to treat each of the disorders.

1. The Body Image Problem

Parents are no longer worried about the career of their kids. When their child reaches 12 or so, they start watching and idolizing singers and musicians. This is when they start assuming that they should also get a curvy figure like their idols. They do not know the reality of how makeup and Photoshop go to reaching this photoshoot or video.
But when you look at it, binge eating disorder is most common in this age group of 16 to 40. Though kids may not really pay attention to the music and entertainment world in the childhood years and not have any idea about looks. By the time they reach their teen years, they would have started watching and idolizing celebrities. They might not know that there is a big difference between the reel image and the real image.

This is one of the most issues and factors contributing to people thinking poorly about themselves and, worse, starving themselves. Most of these people also feel that they should go for Botox and other costly medical procedures to enhance or reduce their body weight.

2. Traumatic Childhood

Kids experiencing a lot of disharmony at home take to binge eating disorders too. Kids from broken or dysfunctional families might take to eating poorly. They may either resort to binge eating because they consider it a break from their otherwise abusive childhood. This is tragic, and the doctors would find this to be a problematic issue. People in larger bodies also face eating disorders, as do athletes and people with disabilities. People in their middle to senior years take to binge eating and thereby cause them to stress out.

Kids who have endured sexual abuse in childhood are prone to binge eating or anorexia as they find it difficult to face anything more. Children might get poorer tolerance to distress or have poor emotional development.

3. Emotional Reasons

People who are going through emotional stress or depression take to binge eating. Whenever they feel low, people take to eating more ice cream or chocolates. Binge eating is at its highest when women go through PMS too.

4. Dieting

Adults resort to binge eating because they might have tried dieting for years and failed miserably. People making huge efforts to eat less for longer phases or even starve themselves might go for binge eating. People trying their best to diet often assume that they should go without food for more days and get more success that way. They may even have emotional upheavals as they fail to stick to the diet. They may think more about food the longer they go on diets.

People do not know how to strike a balance between dieting and fitness. They consider starvation as equivalent to dieting and skip diets too. If they eat less, they might not feel good about it and thereby feel even more stressed.

Now that you understood the factors leading to binge eating, you must look around and see if your friend also suffers from the same. If yes, take them for eating disorders treatment UK based to Rehab Healthcare. Eating disorders treatment here goes through several steps of diagnosis and counseling. They would need to see a more positive image of themselves. There would be CBT, interpersonal psychotherapy, and a treatment plan including dietary guidance. With such treatment plans in place, you or your friend will find great relief and break from the toxic world of body image issues.


Important Benefits of Medication-Assisted Treatment


Alcohol addiction grows with time, and unless you start taking precautionary measures from the first step, it will only worsen. You will encounter several detoxes and other treatment methods these days, and one of them is MAT. What is this – it is Medication-assisted treatment or MAT. Likewise, even for opioid addiction, doctors often recommend MAT or Medication-assisted treatment along with psychological care.

MAT is a treatment program that helps in a faster and effective detoxification method. The therapy helps in combining medicines with psychological counseling and other methods to boost alcohol detox.

De-addiction is a slow process, and it may take a long time for people not deep into alcoholism. People are not in a state to know if they can make it back to sober days. This said, there are a few essential benefits of MAT.

1. Reduce Cravings

Doctors treating alcoholics would state that it is a tough job to keep them away from drinking. While a few cases might appear mild, and doctors might counsel them and send them home, their cravings might be tough to battle. They might not have the desire to quit drinking anytime soon. They might spend all their savings and earnings on drinking even after they nod to everything the counselor says or advises them. To reduce these cravings, they would need to get themselves medication-assisted treatment.

2. Reduce Other Symptoms

It is true that when you make an alcohol-addict to stay away from drinks for the first few days, he or she might face symptoms. They might have hallucinations, anxiety, and depression, along with others. These could last from a few moments to a few times a day, depending on their condition. The medical detox for alcohol should be ideal at preventing the occurrence of depression and anxiety.

3. Prevent Relapse

The biggest problem person suffering from alcoholism face is the way they get treatment. Most of the time, they enter into a never-ending warp of relapse. When they come out of the medicine or therapy, they might find their friends or drinking company calling them. They may find many reasons to get back to drinking. To prevent relapse, you would need to combine several detox methods, and this is where MAT appears as a solution. It uses medication and psychological counseling to delay relapse. This would make your therapy and rehab a success.

4. Reduces Withdrawal Symptoms

Some people might go for treatment or full-fledged residential rehab programs UK-based to tackled alcohol addiction. When they are in rehab, they might get a combination of pharmacotherapies and methods that would include psychological and medication. But not everything works in the same power, and patients often find it difficult to survive without a drop of their favorite drink. The withdrawal symptoms might cause them utmost pain and fluctuations in mood.

This is because their brains are looking forward to getting back their drinks. When they do not get their daily dose of drinks, they will start causing havoc. This is what makes medication-assisted treatment a success. They would experience hallucinations and might feel an emotional wreck at times. Thus, they would need MAT as a method to reduce these withdrawal symptoms.

Without MAT, the withdrawal might only cause the patients to struggle more. They might find it recurring daily, and this will only be a challenge for the medical practitioners and their family members to tackle. They might even tend to have emotional outbursts and bouts of anger raging across them and causing maximum mindless damage. This is why you should look for the best medication-assisted treatments.

What MAT does to the Alcohol Detox Program?

Thankfully, today in the medical world, several medicines help fight all these conditions and ensure their success. There are FDA-approved medicines like Buprenorphine, Naltrexone, and more. These medicines would help to tackle the urges and withdrawals when you combine them with other mandatory methods like rehab.

It is common knowledge that depending on the person’s dependence, they will be sent to the rehab centers. If they are struggling, to reduce their withdrawal symptoms or cravings, doctors might administer them medication-assisted treatments. This would directly send messages to the brain, thereby effectively clearing their bodies of alcoholism.

Once you enroll your friend or family member into a clinic like Rehab Healthcare, you will realize that they try out other recovery methods. To come out completely clean and sober, there are many necessary steps to take. One of the significant steps for the MAT is to ensure complete relief while ensuring the body remains pain-free. Make their journey back to good health a peaceful one!


Everything You Need To Know About Alcoholism And Immunity


Healthcare professionals around the world are talking about one thing – increasing immunity. This began in the middle of last year, and everyone continues to agree on this. Today, immunity-building techniques and processes are aplenty, and healthcare professionals insist on people to use them. What is immunity? This is our body’s instinct to keep the body safe from the attack of viruses and bacteria. The COVID-19 virus is strong, and to fight it, we have to give them the best protection. However, we have to understand that getting immunity stronger will not be an easy way out for a person fighting alcohol abuse.

Last year, when the world had been under lockdown, people had taken to drinking to beat stress and even times of boredom. With little to do and with a lot of time in hand, people did not realize when just a casual drink turned to a full-time habit. This was why, last year alone, the number of people who started drinking went high up.

Alcoholism and the Problems Attached to it

Do you know a friend who has just returned from residential rehabilitation in the UK? He or she might be struggling to fight alcoholism daily even if he or she has not yet gone for rehab. This means you will need to keep them healthy and safe from COVID-19 while also reassuring them that they stay safe from alcoholism. This is like double the stress for the family of an alcoholic.

One of the side effects of alcoholism is that it can lower your immunity. This means you will need to watch out for viruses and bacterial infections at all times. Alcoholism lowers your body’s strength and causes the body to lower its speed at reacting to any infection. So, you will find that an alcoholic gets more infections or suffer from other symptoms, too, while getting an infection at a time.

How does Alcoholism Work on Body’s Immunity System?

Remember, just a single peg is never a problem drinking. When you become a binge drinker or cannot control the swigs, you are in for trouble. Moreover, when you have been binge drinking for some time, it can reduce immunity within 24 hours. If you are exposed to any contamination or infected space in that phase, you will face a problem.
A person is only healthy when his body is safe from any virus or infection. The body prepares itself from any foreign pathogen.

But you may not know when you should consider restricting the drinks. You may feel that you are not into binge drinking and only have five drinks a day. But this is where you have to keep it lesser. Just a single drink occasionally is fine. But anything of habitual drinking is going to affect your immunity system.

Understand that alcohol causes deep-rooted problems to the body, and this is in the deep cellular levels. The biggest side effects of alcoholism on immunity will be visible when you go on binge-drinking for long.

A Roadmap to Curb Alcoholism

To get better immunity, you will need to reduce alcohol dependence. You may start by asking the family or friends or even co-workers and find out if they have been noticing a change in your behavior of late. If you have so far been successful at reducing the number of drinks, congratulations!

However, not everyone is successful on the first go. Go for residential drug rehab and alcohol rehab at the Rehab HC, a UK-based clinic, to solve this problem. There are indeed plenty of long-term physical damages like hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and an enlarged heart. These are the primary health issues you might not want to correct. There are many health issues like pancreatitis or liver issues too that you might notice. Any of these diseases is enough to make you visit the hospital to get treatment.

Alcoholism may cause liver diseases, too, from oxidative stress to inflammation to the liver. It may cause enlarged or fatty liver issues. It may also cause extreme liver swelling and even discomfort. Even the reverse might happen with shrunken liver issues with symptoms like jaundice, fatigue, and bleeding in the gut or jaundice.

The solution could be long-term detoxification and thereby increase immunity. Rehab Healthcare offers a host of services that include psychological treatments. This will help reduce the impact of alcoholism first and thereby help promote overall health. You may even consult with their support groups and find out more about the ways to increase immunity. Practicing a healthy lifestyle can be a great beginning to a healthy life. Your journey to a healthy life begins by brushing off everything coming in your way, like alcoholism.

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