Saturday, August 27, 2022

5 Amazing Benefits To Reap From Alcohol Detox


You may have one big problem that might not show you a direct solution. So, as a result, what do you do? You decide to take the best route you “assume” to be right, which is the road to alcohol. However, like every other solution, this recourse will only keep your worries at bay as long as you finish the bottle or maybe till that day is over.

The next day you need another bottle to wash down the worries. This said, there is a way out of alcohol addiction, and that is in the form of detox. Check out the famous Alcohol & Drug Rehab clinic in London, called Rehab HC.

The clinic offers semi-residential and full-residential styles of treatment and recovery for anyone suffering from addiction. Their areas of specialization are towards people addicted to drugs, alcohol, Benzodiazepine, and more.

The Best Benefits from Alcohol Detox

These days, people across all walks of life realize the need to go for complete alcohol detox. It is also a phase in life. Just as they fall into addiction to trying to come out of it, many of it could be related due to the following benefits they know they could get from leaving alcohol. Let’s check out the top benefits now if you wish to go clear of alcohol.

1. Better Brain Functions

The first reaction of alcohol is indeed on the brain. Your brain’s neurotransmitters control every action, and alcohol disturbs your communication. It affects your other brain’s functions like sleep and mood. Of course, it also causes many issues in the prefrontal cortex. Alcohol detox will help your brain to get out of addiction first. When you start drinking, the brain releases a feel-good chemical called dopamine.

However, this makes us forget mental stresses for a long time, at least as long as we drink or are under the influence. Detox will help make our body and brain recover from the sharp effects of alcoholism. At Rehab Healthcare, you will also find behavioural and psychological counselling to help you inside out.

2. Improve Sleep Cycle

Anxiety and depression might rid a person of a good night’s sleep. You might resort to drinking and assume it to improve your sleep even as you battle your anxieties and depression. But people might indeed feel drowsy after a few pegs. They forget that they might feel wide awake even if they fall asleep immediately like a baby.

This is a fact that many tend to ignore, as consuming alcohol might reduce the deep sleep state. You might end up sleeping less and having a restless night’s sleep. Hence, people go for alcohol detox and try to bring back their peaceful night’s sleep. You will find immense relief when you go for alcohol detox at any reputed private alcohol and drug addiction treatment clinic.

3. Get Back Healthy Heart and Liver

Your organs like the heart and liver may become affected when you drink heavily. You may not know, but alcohol consumption, which you might be increasingly taken, can directly affect these organs. You can keep both of these organs in good condition if you want. Studies show that heavy drinkers have a higher risk of cardiovascular issues. The liver will function well by controlling the build-up of toxins. However, this is where the alcohol addiction might work against your health. Now, by detoxing alcohol, you can protect against further damage to these organs.

4. Lose Weight

Many people want to quit drinking because of the piling pounds! Alcohol consumption might not urge you to consume food, but you will notice the calories meter still ticking. As it is, drinking might cause a problem in digestion, and therefore, you will need to put a stop to it. Once you quit drinking, you are cleansing your liver, and digestion and metabolism also become normal.

5. Improve Memory Power

The biggest benefit you will notice is related to your memory. You will realize that when you drink intending to forget reality, you drink and cause the brain to function less efficiently. Your cognitive and memory power goes for a toss. At the alcohol & drug rehab clinic in London, the doctors will try to restrict your urges to consume alcohol and finally withdraw you from the consumption. However, it will take a few weeks before you can come clean and sober.

The path to recovery will not be easy and will test your patience and self-confidence to recuperate. But it depends on how much someone wants to clean any trace of alcoholism from their system. So, try to check for ways, talk to the doctors at the clinic, and work persistently to achieve better results.

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Discover Significant Tell-Tale Signs Of Your Loved One Abusing Benzodiazepines


You may be thankful that your bae has started their journey to quit drinking. But you are also noticing that their consumption of Xanax and Valium has also become shockingly high. It might be a red flag, and you should not look away. We often fail to spot a red flag and become alert whatsoever.

If you spot the signs of the same in your beloved, rush them for the expert Benzodiazepine detox treatment in UK from Rehab HC. The clinic has great staff members to perform everything, from an initial assessment to suggestions if you should go to rehab or not. This is how essential identifying the problem is in the case of your beloved one.

We assume it to be not one even when it is staring at us in our face. So, what do we do? We see our beloved ones go from one addiction to another. What addiction do you say? We are talking about the Benzodiazepine addiction that many people fall into while taking it to fight alcoholism.

However, the medications containing Benzodiazepines may also be a relief from seizures. They can provide sedation and calm the brain or nerves. Ideally, Benzodiazepines are in medication that can also put one to sleep and works as tranquilizers. But the effects go beyond just putting you to sleep. Hence, many people go for abuse the same.

The Challenges of Benzodiazepine Addiction Identification

Remember that Benzodiazepine addiction is a common ingredient in these popular prescription medicines. However, while prescribing, the doctors might specify the number of doses only. But if you continue the medicine beyond that term, you are already under the influence of overdosing. This is what we mean when we state that you are abusing Benzodiazepines.

People using medicines with Benzos in it for longer will realize that these effects are taking longer than usual. This is a real challenge as your body develops a tolerance, causing no real benefit. Consult at Rehab Healthcare to get the best relief and in time. Hence, early identification will help.

Signs or Symptoms of Benzodiazepine Addictions

  • Consuming Many Medicines: Be careful if your beloved takes medicines for various issues. This could be medicine for healing an injury or depression and that too at the same time. Many might be consulting more than one doctor or using multiple prescriptions simultaneously. If your beloved one is using strong doses of medicines even for a seven-day phase, take note. There is a very high chance of them simultaneously becoming an addict of Benzodiazepine.
  • The Cravings for the Medicines: This is the first sign you should not overlook as this can lead to you acting quickly. For instance, if your dear one undergoing treatment for fighting depression insists on taking a particular medicine, watch out. Take note if your beloved family member also says they are better only when they take a specific medicine. These are symptoms of Benzodiazepine addiction in your beloved. They might even feel that they would not survive without that medicine.
  • Weakness: Another symptom a person addicted to medicines with Benzos will display is weakness. They might feel tired after just climbing a flight of stairs or walking a few steps. They may want to lie down after just a few minutes of work. If your beloved shows physical weakness and sleepiness, do not hesitate to call for Benzodiazepine addiction rehab UK.
  • Lack of Sleep and Coordination: You may notice the person struggling to sleep night after night. This is strange as your beloved might also be consuming medicines to put them to sleep. But even in their wakefulness, they may struggle to perform the basic tasks of walking around. It is advisable for people taking medicines containing Benzos to avoid driving as their basic motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Besides these, you will also find them feeling nauseous and feeling the need to sleep.
  • Struggle to Breathe: You may find breathing difficult and might end up rushing for the outdoors often to catch a breath. In addition, complaining of not having a deep sleep can signify addiction. The more they struggle, the deeper the addiction levels.
  • The Alcohol Withdrawal Issue: Another issue that many people face is that of suffering from alcohol withdrawal. If your beloved one is undergoing Benzos treatment to escape the alcohol addiction, they will also have withdrawal symptoms. It means they will struggle, have tremors, and more even if they skip a single dose. They will also struggle with hyperactivity and find themselves hallucinating.

Look for these signs as they can immediately help you and the doctors. Your dear one might withdraw and isolate themselves from social life and even exhibit secretive behaviour.

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Saturday, July 30, 2022

Alcoholism Causes Lung Cancer, Or Is It A Myth? Accurate Foresight


Alcohol and lung cancer aren’t different topics but the two sides of a coin. It’s among the most contentious issues because tobacco and alcohol may cause lung cancer. Recent studies have proved that alcoholism is a prominent and independent factor of lung cancer.

This article explores the link between alcoholism and lung cancer and how to treat and cure the same. This article also acts as an awareness to prevent excessive use of alcohol on this lung cancer day.

Alcohol and Its Carcinogenic Effect

The liver isn’t the only organ harmed by alcohol. According to HHS and WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), alcohol is a carcinogen (a chemical capable of causing cancer) established in 2010.

While some toxins like cigarette smoke have been shown to cause cancer, alcohol is considered to enhance the growth of an already-existing tumor. Malignancies such as liver cancer and cancers of the colon, rectal, breast, and head and neck are included. Exactly how alcohol causes cancer is a mystery, although ethanol and acetaldehyde, a key metabolite, are considered genotoxic, meaning they may harm the genetic material of cells. By further disrupting normal chromosomes and DNA, this impact may boost the rate at which tumor cells grow in those with a predisposition to cancer.

Lung Cancer and Alcohol Use are Linked

It was shown that excessive drinking (defined as more than seven drinks per day) raised the risk of lung cancer but that drinking in moderation (defined as one drink or fewer per day) lowered it, according to one of the largest studies published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2016.

Lung cancer differs from other cancers in that heavy drinkers are more likely to smoke than non-drinkers to develop it. Non-drinkers made up 29.8% of the sample, whereas heavy drinkers made up 30% of the sample and smoked an average of over 20 cigarettes daily. Because of this, it is difficult to determine the extent to which frequent drinking increases the risk of persons who are already at high risk owing to smoking. Consequently, persons who consume alcohol and haven’t ever smoked can acquire lung cancer. For non-smokers, heavy drinking (more than three drinks per day) raises the risk of lung cancer by 30%, according to a study published in The Permanente Journal in 2015.

This shows that alcohol may play a role in lung cancer development among persons with a hereditary susceptibility to the illness.

How Can Drinking Contribute to Higher Cancer Risk?

Drinking alcohol can raise a person’s cancer risk in various ways. Alcoholic beverages include acetaldehyde, a recognized carcinogen formed when ethanol is broken down. Our cells are unable to heal the harm caused by this chemical. Cancerous cells may be able to thrive as a result of this.

Hormones like estrogen can be affected by drinking alcohol. Sending signals to our cells to expand and divide is the job of these hormones. It is more likely that a cell will develop cancer if it divides more frequently than it should.

Some of the body’s vital nutrients, such as Vitamins A, C, D, E, and Folate, are less able to be metabolized and absorbed after drinking alcohol. Cancer-fighting elements are found in several foods.
Alcohol is a fattening substance that has no nutritional value. Overeating can result in weight gain, which raises a person’s cancer-related risk.

How to Treat Alcoholic Pulmonary Disease?

Unfortunately, there is no quick remedy for alcohol-related lung problems. Despite therapeutic options, stopping drinking alcohol is the most effective strategy to avoid additional lung damage.

Treatment for Alcoholism

Quitting alcohol is essential to keep the damage to your lungs to a minimum. Heavy drinkers and those addicted to alcohol may require inpatient treatment and medical detox for a short period.

Medical detox programs provide medically supervised withdrawal from alcohol to provide the safest possible experience.

If you have symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, a doctor might prescribe medicine to alleviate the discomfort. They may also inject you with medication to help your lungs throughout this procedure.

It is common for those who have completed detox to begin counseling, develop coping skills, and engage in support groups. In the UK, the alcohol and drug rehab clinic majorly treats alcoholism and other serious addictions like cannabis, heroin, cocaine, benzos, and many other harmful addictions. One such prominent rehab is the RehabHC, offering a team of specialists with extensive expertise in helping addicts overcome their addictions through clinical detoxification and psychosocial therapies.


Some alcoholic lung disease symptoms can be alleviated or prevented with medication. These are just a few drugs that your doctor may prescribe: Sedatives, muscle relaxants, and antibiotics.

Even though many over-the-counter cough medicines and cough syrups include alcohol, persons with alcohol consumption disorder should avoid using them.

Final Words

The most controversial topic here ends with a strong conclusion that alcohol led to lung cancer. Though it may not generate cancer, it is known to enhance its growth. As it is now proven that alcohol is carcinogenic, non-smokers who drink alcohol at a larger level can grow a strong tendency to lung cancer.

Therefore, it is essential to stop the addiction as soon as possible. One of the most successful ways of quitting the addiction to alcohol is through addiction treatment services in the UK. You can check out RehabHC, which excels in this field and has already helped many addicts return to a normal and healthy life.

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Way To Come Out Of Intergenerational Cycle To Alcohol Addiction

 Addiction can pass on from one generation to another as it is entirely a biological-based brain disorder. This disorder signifies that inherited risk factors are responsible for inducing the development of risk due to substance. In the case of many people, addiction begins at an earlier stage when they are teenagers. Some get addicted in the adult stage due to environmental risk factors. Addiction tightens its grip over a person strongly that despite having an inspirational idea, he starts behaving in a destructive manner that continues to create an annoying environment in the family and increases the risk of developing stress and trauma in children present in the house due to addiction of alcohol or drug.

Trauma and Stress Faced By Children Due To Addiction

Parent addiction has a lot of influence on children’s lifestyles right from when they are in their mother’s womb. Studies have proved mothers who abuses drug or alcohol while pregnant can put their child at risk of preterm term as well as lead to disabilities that can be physical or cognitive. Impairment can be another issue with such kids, which puts them at the risk of social differentiation that induces pressures of living and makes them addicted to substance use. Another common issue found in the children abusing alcohol is the difference in parenting lifestyle, which eventually leads to intergenerational addiction.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2020, approximately 92000 people died due to addiction. The government of America has helped an action plan of $1.3 million to mental health law and policy researchers to understand the cycle of intergenerational addiction and provide preventive measures. Several articles have even proved the theory that a shortage in displaying the potential of controlling the inhibitory action leads to the path of intergenerational transmission abuse. It means that functional problems such as impulsiveness and lacking self-regulation get lost in individuals. So, it is considered that kids of such parents who had a habit of addiction are at a continuous disadvantage.

Preventive Measures to Overcome the Problem of Intergenerational Addictions

Abusive addiction can spoil the lives of people around the victims because the situation can get too difficult to come out and cannot come out of sight. But, if you find you love someone addicted to intergeneration addiction, you can follow a few steps to overcome the problem and even protect yourself from getting addicted to such death-causing substances. Howsoever, recovery depends from person to person. Some prefer to take the help of a therapist, whereas few pass through a difficult phase of recovery. And few like to share their story and never like to go for a recovery challenge.

Understand the factors that can be controlled

Never waste your energy on anything that you cannot control. Instead, people addicted should start focusing on the behavior they can control. It will help if you become your advocate as well as critic at the same time to come up with flying outputs. Never get depressed with the thought of others about you; the only thing needed is to stick with your correct actions, such as your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Never give space to negative thoughts, and keep reminding yourself about the courage you have induced in yourself. This help in keeping yourself silent during a difficult situation. Always raise 3 challenging thoughts against every negative thought before deciding on Rehab Healthcare. Make the replacement of positive over negative to pave the path towards fetching a better understanding of life.

Become honest towards yourself and seek help from the close ones

Intervene the addiction cycle with the help of a caring adult who can provide the best attention to the child. Teachers offering alcohol addiction and dependency treatment in the UK are potential friends who can help in difficult situations. To make a difference in the life of addicted kids, the classroom and their teacher plays a vital role. A child’s confidence and spirit can return with the support of every person you love. Moreover, if supervised under the care of their role model, improvement is common when addiction is the biggest threat from their parental side. A loved one’s support can turn into the biggest supportive measure to introduce stability in the life of addicted children and adults.

Where To Go To Seek Help?

When you’re loved one gets too much affected by addiction and cannot overcome it even after your support, then the time realizes a counselor who can assist your patient well in Rehab Healthcare. If your struggle has reached the last level and cannot be cured by love and affection, there comes the importance of alcohol addiction and dependency treatment in UK. Many licensed therapists are present online who can help you out in recovering from your addictive behavior. One of the reputed names working in this domain is RehabHC, which works upon patients’ physical, psychological, and social development to bring about massive change and introduce a new human to the world at the time of discharge from Rehab healthcare.

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Saturday, July 2, 2022

Substance Addiction – 6 Common Myths to Know About

Drug abuse – there’s no scarcity of myths and stereotypes regarding it and people seized by its claws. You can always compare substance addiction or drug abuse with other diseases like cancer or diabetes. Yet, it garners numerous misunderstandings from those who have never experienced the feeling of going through such conditions.

If any of your close ones suffer from addiction, chances are plenty of people unfamiliar with substance addiction have already advised you many things with good intentions. But, with all those in mind, separating suitable suggestions from the wrong ones often becomes difficult. Therefore, debunking some common myths related to substance addiction is necessary for helping you to discern the reality. Being empowered with only the correct information is the only thing capable of allowing you to tender accurate assistance to those in need of help. So, let’s proceed to thrash some substance addiction stereotypes today.


1. Having an Addiction Means You Lack Willpower

For ages, people have been considering addiction as a contradictory thing to morals. Besides, many believe addicted individuals lack the willpower to overcome the cravings they experience. Furthermore, many also raise questions about addicted individuals’ heredity and believe they suffer from inherited issues.

However, the advancement of modern-day science has allowed people to perceive addiction from a separate viewpoint. Rehab Healthcare sector deals with addiction the same as any other disease. If your family members or friends are dealing with addiction, that doesn’t mean they lack willpower. It means he needs help and should be addressed with a helpful recovery support community and a medical treatment plan.

2. Trying a Drug for Once Doesn’t Hurt

Substance abuse often has adverse effects on individuals’ health and psychology after specific periods. But, other times, those effects thrash peoples’ entire existence right after using a drug for the first time. Overdoses can prove themselves even life-snatching for people unfamiliar with substance use.

Regardless, sometimes, the drug you have taken might not hurt you, but it would hinder your common sense, the ability of rational thinking, and decision-making abilities. Moreover, under the effects of such substances, one can become vulnerable and prone to commit deeds and get apologetic after getting sober.

3. Relapse means Treatment has gone in Vain

From another aspect, substance addiction seems quite identical to other diseases. For example, studies have shown that the relapse rate of substance addiction is almost similar to the general relapse rate of other health hazards like arthritis and hypertension.

On some occasions, substance use disorders, like chronic diseases, become rigid enough not to leave someone altogether. Yet, continuous checkups and treatments from the private drug and alcohol rehab in London can help someone treat and manage it effectively. Here, an important fact to know is experiencing relapses is never a sign of treatment failure. Still, it’s a prominent part of the journey essential for improving and managing issues more proficiently with time.

4. Prescription Drugs Don’t Incur Threats

Indeed, prescription drugs being harmless is a fact. Consumption of them the way medical professionals suggest is essential in treating health conditions. Yet, they become extremely dangerous when they get abused. It has become a growing problem among young adults 18 to 25 years old, with a section of them inclining abuse drugs prescribed for little reason.

Drugs used for anxiety, narcotic pain medication, and ADHD medications are some examples of commonly prescribed drugs being abused commonly. Furthermore, prescription drugs can also be deadly and addictive, much like illegal drugs.

5. Joining Rehabs is Useless

It’s also a common misbelieve impelling several people suffering from drug abuse problems to devote unsuccessful effort to get over their issues independently without taking support from rehab programs.

However, on the contrary, Benzodiazepine detox treatment in London from rehabs like Rehab HC is one of the most effective measures. You should know that rehab isn’t only a place to keep drug addicts. It’s the place where they get used to a new and sober lifestyle along with skills to diminish the onsets of cravings.

Medical practitioners and doctors work day and night in rehabs to help victims regain control of their lives, which is compelling.

6. Medications During Detox and Recovery Replace Existing Addictions with Another

Prescribing certain medications to substance abusers is a common practice in rehabs. Besides, indeed, some medicines can also appear addictive to some. But the difference between prescribed drugs and substances used by patients is evident too.

The drugs rehabs prescribe to patients are approved by the FDA for specific uses. In most instances, practitioners suggest those to curb cravings while propelling patients through detox and recovery maintenance. These drugs are safe under a doctor’s supervision and incapable of incurring high sensations as they are recommended in specific doses per victims’ needs.

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How Frequent Use of Ketamine Brings Unavoidable Dependency on Physical and Psychological Levels?


Ketamine, also known as Ketamine hydrochloride, is a strong general anesthetic injectable used to achieve the loss of consciousness for surgeries and other medical purposes. Also available in the form of transparent liquid and white powder, Ketamine serves in treatment plans for acute and chronic pain, procedural sedation, and alcohol withdrawal management.

Regardless, Ketamine is also known to confer severe long-term effects on the human body. Being addicted to it or abusing this drug regularly can compel an individual to undergo continuous deterioration of his mental and physical health along with his quality of life. It’s because, on those occasions, victims of such substance use disorder only rotate thoughts of obtaining, taking, and recovering from the effects of Ketamine in their minds. So, let’s see how Ketamine usage makes people dependent on it.

Chronic Use of Ketamine is Sure to Incur Dependency on Psychological and Physical Levels


Ketamine is a common drug used for acute and chronic pain management, with strapping anesthetic and painkilling properties. Unfortunately, it’s highly addictive, and psychological and physical dependency is a usual long-term effect of using this drug regularly.

After being injected, Ketamine triggers a rush in serotine and dopamine and causes psychological disassociation up to some extent. Thus, it generates a purported soothing sensation with numbed emotions, feelings, and thoughts. Consequently, it can attract people to repeated usage of Ketamine.

Yet, the level of disassociation created in the mind because of Ketamine tends to decrease gradually in people taking it regularly. It’s because their body develops a natural tolerance to it with time. Thus, victims intend to charge higher doses of Ketamine more frequently to uphold their desired sensation. However, a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in the UK ensures a holistic approach to treating patients with drug abuse disorders, incorporating psychological and physical treatment measures to endow them with proper support within minimal time.

The body adapts to it and learns to function within its presence, resulting in dependency on this drug. Then, it becomes essential for an addicted person to make his body function normally and shun withdrawal symptoms.

Long-Term Adverse Effects of Taking Ketamine

Sinus cavities and nasal passageways get damaged in people ingesting Ketamine through the nose. Furthermore, when get used in such a manner for a longer period, it destroys the sense of smell and can even damage the nasal structure permanently.

Injecting Ketamine isn’t free from risks too. When injected, it gradually destroys muscles, internal organs, veins, and muscles. Besides, it can cause various infections like endocarditis, skin infections, and even infections in the heart’s valves.

Kidneys and livers are the two vital organs that bear maximum damage. Furthermore, issues in the bladder and urinary tract can also arrive due to an extended period of using this drug, same as respiratory problems, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, seizure, and more. However, treatment for Ketamine addiction in London includes effective medical detox programs and psychological counseling to help victims deracinate this issue from its very root.

Indeed, the effects of Ketamine can be life-threatening and severe. Individuals addicted to it are seen to derail the normal course of life. If it continues further, health hazards like heart attack, organ failure, and even death are possible.

How Long Does Ketamine Stay Within Body After Ingestion?

The onset of disassociation caused by ketamine consumption depends on how someone intakes it. When smoking, the effects start almost immediately, while oral administration and snorting start symptoms within 15-20 and 5-10 minutes, respectively. Besides, these effects last up to 1-2 hours maximum based on the ingestion process.

However, it is proven to be remaining within the body much longer than its effects. In tests like saliva, blood, urine, and hair, Ketamine has been seen even after 24 hours, 3 days, 14 days, and 4 months, respectively.

Long-Term Psychological Effects Ketamine Leaves

Frequent mood swings and hindrance in one’s thought process and memory are fairly common in people addicted to Ketamine. Moreover, the situation can lead an obsessed person towards permanent psychological impairment, while the following effects are also evident in several victims.

  • Confusion
  • Paranoia
  • Lessened Attention Span
  • Memory Loss

It activates schizophrenia and psychosis and impedes people from getting proper flashbacks. Dissociation often becomes rigid in frequent users despite Ketamine’s effects not being present in them.

Helpful Treatment of Ketamine Addiction

Treatment from rehab healthcare is essential for people suffering from long-term effects of ketamine abuse. In this way, they can gradually keep themselves away from the drug and recover from the damage already happening.

Rehab HC, one of the most prominent drug and alcohol addiction rehab healthcare, addresses every patient with inclusive treatment plans optimizable per their requirements and present conditions. Hence, indeed, it includes medical detox programs and psychological counseling.

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Cannabis During Pregnancy – Study Finds High Risk Of Blood Sugar In Children


A new expert study has found shocking facts about the use of cannabis during pregnancy. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism stated that women who use cannabis during pregnancy have children with lower birth weight, high blood sugar, and obesity issues. These babies are exposed to cannabis in the womb. It also leads to a negative outcome, and a study showed more than 22% of pregnant women had adverse levels of cannabinoids in their bodies.

Pre-Natal Exposure to Cannabis and its Impact

The research done by the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism measured the cannabis level in almost 100 pregnant women. The experts evaluated the health of children around 5 years of age. Out of these children, almost 2.6% of kids have a greater fat mass and higher glucose levels than those not exposed to cannabis in the womb. This study showed how the use of cannabis could impact the health of a baby and impact their later development too.

Moreover, FDA issued a statement stating the dangers of using CBD and THC during pregnancy and cannabis were stated. Most women are seen to be treating themselves to relieve the symptoms of nausea, postpartum depression, and pain. The FDA has stated Cannabidiol is found to be substance abuse. CBD can put your child at a higher risk by increasing their behavioral problems. The future risk of high blood sugar levels also increases among children. The increased blood sugar levels are because of the higher fasting glucose levels.

The increased levels of sugars are seen because of the fetal exposure to cannabis. An expert state that exposure to cannabis when the child is in the womb can interfere with the endogenous system of the fetus. This also affects the mother’s physiology and behavior, which affects the child’s overall development. The cannabis-related data for the British women were collected during their gestation period when they were 18 to 20 weeks pregnant. This showed an effect on a child’s weight and glucose levels compared to the children of non-smoking mothers.

Cannabis is a recreational drug in the Western, British, and European countries but has psychoactive properties. In the long run, the patients smoking hash or weed have paranoia and excessive irritability symptoms. Increased appetite and anxiousness also increase. Pregnant women who are habitual of taking cannabis can take the treatment of cannabis addiction in London to get out of the impact of cannabis in the long run.

Cannabis Use and Issues at Later Stages in Life

From the above study, it is clear that cannabis use among pregnant women leads to increased stress, anxiety, high blood sugar levels, and obesity in the kids. Apart from this, it gives rise to unwanted behavioral issues among the kids. Moreover, children exposed to cannabis during birth are found to have an elevated risk of DKA in Type 1 Diabetes.

DKA or diabetic ketoacidosis occurs in your body when there is an insufficient amount of insulin in the body. Even the patients taking a moderate amount of cannabis were found to be having an elevated risk of possessing DKA. Most people already suffering from Type 1 diabetes since childhood are also found to get addicted to cannabis for relief.

This showed that there was an increase in the complications related to diabetes, and people in the later stage of their life were suffering from substance abuse. The fetus that is exposed to cannabis during pregnancy has also been linked to facing higher levels of stress and anxiety. Children of smoking mothers had ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. These are a few reasons why it is not deemed good to smoke cannabis clinically. It severely affects the health of your child.

Even studies revealed that children of cannabis-smoking mothers have greater stress sensitivity symptoms with abnormalities in their heart rate. This has further led to the irregularities in the immunity-related genes, and children were exposed to higher levels of stress disorders and anxiety.

Get the Possible Cannabis Treatment to have a Healthy Child!

British women and women globally are found to be under the addiction to maternal cannabis. During the pre-natal stage, smoking cannabis leads to severely deformed developments among the kids. So, it is necessary to treat these women psychologically and physiologically to help them have a happy life and a happy baby.

Most women, along with smoking, also drink during their pregnancy. It also leads to grave problems among children. To make things right for your kid and family, women can visit Rehab HealthCare to get treated for cannabis addiction and get into an alcohol rehab clinic in London, UK. It will help pregnant and lactating mothers get rid of alcohol and substance use quickly. You can reach out to Rehab HC experts at

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Monday, May 23, 2022

The Secret Drinking: Spotting The Signs Of Hidden Alcoholism


Hiding your weakness from family may ruin your life gradually. It happens when you achieve tight tolerance for alcohol. As you grip the destructive habit of hiding the quantity you are drinking every day, you will become alone in your way. Unfortunately, many people hide their drinking habits from their partners or family. They feel embarrassed to acknowledge how much they drink every day because of suspected spontaneous reactions from their loved ones. It means they are facing trouble alone and allow it to get worse.

Thus, Rehab HC, a private rehab clinic in London, offers the best treatments to get a proper solution to the problem. They are proficient in treating all aspects of alcoholism, assisting from initial intervention by offering detox and rehabilitation.

What is Secret Drinking?

If someone asks you how much you drank last night, you ignore the question, which means you are hiding. You can spot them in the context of their behavior; someone addicted to alcohol will hide how much they drink a day from their family or friends. The secret drinker refutes their drinking problem from others or tries to rationalize it by comparing themselves to others. It is common for those who have a high urge for alcohol. They drink more till they get the desired effect from alcohol in return. The secret drinkers may secretly drink before an event; or call it by a different name — pregaming. Thus, if someone is drinking secretly or hiding how much they are drinking, there is a warning sign. Let us see how to combat such problems and acknowledge the healthcare center, helping them to find a new way of living.

Figure Out Your Hidden Habit of Alcoholism

You can work on your bad habits once you rectify them. If you feel ashamed of them, it will isolate you and make you intense. When the alcohol starts to occupy your mind and soul, you lose control of it and become severely addicted, and you start suffering solo. However, they prompt some signs or symptoms, from which you can realize that this person is addicted.

For example, a secret drinker would build an arguing habit and always be defensive about their actions. They start comparing themselves to other people and pretend to be expected in every event. It might go against them. But, speaking up about your habits to others or seeking help from others makes the problem likely to progress. Release yourself from the confinement by accepting the reality.

Alternatively, you can seek help from Rehab Healthcare in London. The members of these rehabs take a holistic approach to identify the root cause of the addictive behavior. Then, they develop individual treatment programs and optimistic support to recover the secret drinker in getting their life back full-fledged.

Pick a Trustworthy Acquaintance and Share Your Problem

You may find an alcoholic arguing constantly, which derives from their lack of responsibility. They slip into huge debts, avoid work, neglect their families, and come home late. They start telling lies to their loved ones and receive decisiveness or unaffectionate from them. Don’t try to shoulder all the secrets in you; it can spiral you down due to its tremendous load.

A problem can be sought out or minimized if you share it with others. Hence, do as per suggested. Select a person with whom you can share your concern. He can help with your problem. He can be from your friend circle or family but should be trustworthy. Confide the problem to him to minimize your problem to an extent. Then, get the next phase of your flight from the protection you receive from the partnership and assistance.

Secure assistance from the private rehab clinic in London; its members will help to discontinue your addiction to alcohol. As a result, you will gradually get your confidence, opening a new way to live life again in a healthy atmosphere with positivity in mind.

Start Exploring Your Candid Moments

As alcohols have a profound effect on behavior, it changes the mindset of secret drinkers. They imbibe the impression of saying no to alcohol, and they drink every night to meet the same intoxicant level. The road you are going alone might end if you allow the light of hope to enter your life. The special bond you have made with the person will take you to the most secure world. Keep the habit of sharing your secrets with others; it will redeem your life in a better way. This leads to revealing glimmers of hope despite the ups and downs you encounter in your life course.

If you recognize any of the said behavior in yourself or any person close to you, assist them in getting to drug and alcohol rehab in London. You may get the best helping hand from his center.

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