Friday, February 19, 2021

How Does Alcoholism Affect Seniors?


Age is only going to increase with time. While for many, age is just a number, many others take it more seriously. You will start noticing changes in your physiology and even in the way the body responds. People often continue with the habits they had in their youth, but the body will not react the same way. Alcohol detox will be more than a necessity.

With age, the muscular, nervous, and digestive systems all become weak. If you have been known for your binge or daily alcohol drinking all your youthful days, you may begin putting a check on it and gradually reduce your drinking.

Alcoholism in Old Age – Some reasons and Associated Problems

Many people claim to become addict to alcoholism as they near the senior age group. The reasons could be many:

  • Solitary drinking
  • Depression
  • Age-related weakness or ailments
  • Loss of near ones
  • Chronic health issues
  • No busy lifestyle

Seniors may become prone to chronic health issues and memory loss too. They may have to take more painkillers and stuff to stay healthy. Mental health starts deteriorating too when they notice they no longer can function as easily as before.

They start losing their ability to go to work and even lose their self-confidence. All these are enough excuses for them to go for drinking. The post-retirement period is a lonesome phase when they do not have a job on hand. They tend to believe that they are friendless and even without any self-worth.

The drinking problem takes its form when seniors lose count of the number of bottles they down on a day. They also are in trouble if they lose all sense and consciousness. 14% of the seniors admitted to the hospital emergency room are due to age and drinking-related issues.

People suffer from depression, knowing that they are no longer as good-looking as they were in the prime of their life. They feel low when no one gives them that appreciative look or praises them for their appeal.

Heart issues may increase with age, as well diabetes. So, consumption of drinks may even increase blood sugar as well as blood pressure levels. Too much consumption will only lead to major hazards like stroke or even a heart attack.

Senior Alcoholism – Never Spoken Loud

People around the world may be suffering from alcoholism in their senior years. While many may not even know that they are slipping to the phase when they would be addicts. They may begin drinking because they may have nothing else to do. They use it as a means of being busy and to while away the time in hand. This said, many claim they go to drink because that’s where the friends are.

Senior Alcoholism is as much a serious problem, but it is not even generally talked about. Just like the elders, even the alcoholism they have is less spoken about. There are not many people around when the person reaches a sixty or a seventy.

Notable Signs of Alcoholism in Elders

A person will not admit he or she is a senior since they can still walk around on their own. They would not worry about alcohol causing them any harm. But they fail to realize that the body will become aged and so you as a family member or even a friend should observe.
Here are a few things for you to notice.

  • Short term memory loss
  • Fluctuations in blood sugar levels
  • Fluctuations in blood pressure levels
  • Disassociation from friends or family

When you begin recognizing addiction, the elders exhibiting these symptoms need to get the best help immediately. Counseling by a friend or a concerned family member will do wonders if you see these symptoms only recently. If the senior person has been an addict for a longer time, then they will need alcohol detox.

Remedies and the Thorough Cleansing

The elders may feel ashamed of being judged because of alcoholism. Visit Rehab Healthcare (RehabHc) for proper care of all alcohol and drug problems. Their counselors will provide the adequate solution to the alcohol problem.

The treatment options include professional counseling, alcohol detox (cleansing treatment), and other psychological interventions. Whatever is the method, the need for supportive family and friends will help in alcohol treatment in elders.

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